Saturday, April 2, 2016

Recipe: London Fog French Toast

First day of spring break! Not really feeling up to reviewing a tea today, so here's what I made for breakfast. Pretty easy recipe overall, and it can easily be adjusted if it's too sweet or not sweet enough, cooked too much or not enough, and so on.

Earl Grey Black Tea, 1 teabag or 3g of loose leaf - I used Trader Joe's brand tea bags
Honey, 1.5 tablespoons - Local wildflower honey here
Milk, 0.5 cups - Doesn't really matter what type, I used 2%
Bread, 5-6 pieces - Same as the milk, white or whole grain, doesn't matter
Salt, 1 pinch - Sea salt
Vanilla Extract, 0.5 teaspoons
Eggs, 2
Butter, 1 stick - Can be replaced with oil

Makes 5 pieces of french toast; recipe is adapted from Alton Brown's french toast

1. Microwave/heat your milk to boiling before it boils over. Add your tea and let it brew for 5 minutes.
2. Remove the tea by straining or throwing away the tea bag. Add the vanilla extract and honey.
3. Whisk in 2 eggs, one at a time. 
4. Pour the mixture into a bowl or a container that will allow you to cover the bread.
5. Take a slice of bread, and cover both sides by dipping it in the mixture. Let it sit on each side for about 30 seconds so it absorbs the liquid. Place on a wire rack and let sit for about 10-15 minutes. Repeat for all of the slices.
6. Once the bread has rested for a while, heat a pan. Cover the surface of the pan in butter so the bread won't stick.
7. Brown both sides of each slice of bread. Return to the wire rack.
8. Preheat oven to 375°F. 
9. Place the wire rack/bread into the oven for 5-10 minutes.
10. Serve warm, adding syrup/fruit/cream to taste.

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