Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Alternate History 2: 1930s-1950s

Just another filler post to make up for the lack of posts lately. This is another alternate history scenario that I wrote for my girlfriend and her history project. Really nothing else to it (it was kind of rushed since I made it in like an hour, but I like it)

Late 1941: Japan invades Philippines instead of attacking Pearl Harbor first in the Pacific Theater. It ends terribly for the US, who lose 146,000 men to Japan’s 22,500. As a result, the US public doesn’t really want to fight the Japanese in fear of losing badly again. They do not declare war or send support due to this fear.

Early 1942: Instead of attacking Pearl Harbor, the Japanese decide to stage a land invasion during the Hawaiian Islands Campaign as part of their expansion in the Pacific. It takes place after the Philippines campaign. They believe that the US will not defend the islands as they believe the US is weak (Japanese imperialism/propaganda) and that they will not go to war over small islands like the Philippines. FDR sends an emergency task force (the National Guard) to stop the Japanese invasion force. The Japanese are defeated, and casualties are relatively equal on both sides. The US public refuses to go to war due to isolationism and fear of the Japanese, and the Japanese realize that the US will defend Hawaii and is not as weak as they think. They sign a non-aggression pact, and both governments cover up the attack.

Late 1942: The US public stays strictly isolationist. FDR sends support to Britain through different acts, including Lend-Lease. However, a German spy leaks to the American press that FDR had signed the Atlantic Charter and plans to go to war, despite the public's opinion on the war in Europe. The public is outraged, and FDR is eventually impeached (everyone fears that it might bring them to war with Germany, which is one of the strongest military powers of the time).

1943: Hopkins, FDR’s vice president, is not nearly as strong or has the same initiative as FDR. Aid to the British stops, and Britain eventually falls as Hitler invades. Soon, Hitler is able to conquer Russia, and thus all of Europe. Hitler, fearing the Jewish plutocracy in America (Zweites Buch), decides to invade with no declaration of war (essentially, German Pearl Harbor). Without any support from the allies, the US has to fight on its own.

1944: Hitler attacks the East Coast, and Japan takes advantage of this weakness (alliances are also a large factor). Japan attacks the West Coast, and the US surrenders. The US is split in half, with Japanese occupation in the west, and German in the east. The Axis powers control most of the world, either directly or through spheres of influence.

Pretty much, The Man in the High Castle happens after (one of my favorite novels by Phillip K. Dick).

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