Sunday, October 4, 2015

What's Going On? (Life Update) 10/4/15

Well, long time no post, huh? Today's the last day of a three day weekend and I have quite a bit of free time today, since I got all my work done on Friday. In fact, I've actually just spent the last few hours lazing around because I just have nothing to do- and by nothing, I mean I have some stuff that I could do, but I don't have the motivation to. Anyway, let's get to what's happened this last month, shall we? The first month of school was pretty eventful, and will make for a really, really long post.

First off, it seems that my schoolwork has been going pretty well. My final schedule turned out to be AP Language/Composition, AP US History, AP Statistics, Japanese 3, Honors Precalculus, and Biotechnology. The workload and tests haven't been as hard as I expected, and right now I'm pulling off all A's. Well, except for APUSH; I got a B on my first essay which brought my grade down, but oh well- it's the first essay anyway. My teacher for AP Lang/Comp is super cool, APUSH is a fun subject for me, AP Stat is something I find really interesting, Japanese is always a fun class in general, Honors Precalc is easy because of a new curriculum, and Biotech is what I plan to major in, so there's that

Next, I've surprised even myself with the amount of extracurriculars I'm doing and how well I'm handling it, too.
1. I'm currently a co-founder of a club (with the science fair guys, so ehhh)- the Science Alliance- which is nearing approval from administration. In it, we essentially help elementary and middle school kids do science fair projects and garner an interest in STEM.
2. I'm planning to start another science fair project on my own, and I'm actually really excited to do it because of the topic.
3. I got into the Mock Trial team as a journalist, which is one of my largest commitments for this year.
4. UC Berkeley's sleep study has also been working pretty well, since I started sleep coaching and have been going to bed at 11:00 PM lately; the goal is to be sleeping at 10.
5. I'm applying to be a tutor at my old middle school, which is going to be a paid gig too.
6. Aviation club! There's a pretty high chance I'm going to be joining the rocketry team since I've been going to the meetings, helping them plan a few things, and am friends with a few members.
7. I still am taking piano classes, and might start fencing again in the coming weeks.
Even though all of this looks like a ton of stuff, I'm really excited to do it and I'm actually pretty proud of myself for not having a complete breakdown over the amount of work. Actually, I don't even feel that it has been that much, which may or may not be worrying.

Also this past few weeks, I went to freq.fest.norcal 2015 and APE 2015. Freq.fest was amazing, since it was the first year that it ever happened here and a few of the bands I like played. Slime Girls was amazing (even better than at California Extreme 2 or 3 years ago, since I could actually hear them), and I found a few new bands that I really like including Curious Quail, Here Between You Me, Paladin Shield, and more. The best part was that since it was a pretty small concert- I think half of the people there were actually musicians performing- everyone was super hyped. At one point during Astroskeleton's set, everyone started moshing together and we all sang We are the Crystal Gems in a big group (did I mention- I started watching Steven Universe because of my sister lately). APE 2015 was actually yesterday, and was alright. I got a ton of comics that I think my sister will like, a couple of prints, and talked to and discovered artists that I like.

For relationships and friends and everything, I don't really know what to think. A few weeks ago, my girlfriend broke up with me and we got stuck in a "are we dating or just really good friends that mess around" phase. Then, she's now actually dating another guy in our friend group, and honestly, I'm just kind of done with all of that now. It's not that I'm jealous, but I'm just a bit hurt that I got blindsided by it and she just decided to text me (plus the fact that it's all over Facebook and all that stuff). Needless to say, I'm not going to Homecoming since it seems like every year something super shitty happens (freshman year- the girl I asked texted me the day of, saying that she's not going; sophomore- I messed up and abandoned the girl I asked, but we're still pretty good friends; I just feel bad about it). My plan this year is to just dress up, bike over to the next town over, and watch a movie at this theater that has couches and food and everything inside the viewing area. Also, my friends convinced me to smoke with them for the first time ever- and I did. And I'll never do it again. Not because it ended up bad or anything, but it was nothing special (also the fact that my ex texted me that she started dating someone else in the friend group on that very night). The whole time they were super out of it, but I just felt a bit sleepy. I guess now I can say I tried it, but like I said, that's it. Not worth it at all. Some other stuff happened too, but I honestly can't really remember it or it just pales in comparison to these two things.

For tea stuff, I've just been drinking a ton of Twinings tea bags, since I haven't really gotten any new tea (kinda broke because of the stuff above and I still have a lot of the tea from the Week of Jin Xuan left over). I did participate in Reddit's first tea exchange, and my person gave me a few different green and herbal teas, and some black teabags (which was when I started drinking a lot of black tea with milk and sugar). I also bought some matcha from another tea blogger, Oolong Owl, which comes in the mail tomorrow. Expect reviews on that and a few more things, but I don't have any set release dates for those- I'll burn that bridge when I get to it.

A lot of stuff has happened in this last month, and it's been such a blur that I can't remember much of it. Most of the stuff that really stands out to me is in this post, but just know that a ton more happened and I just don't know what to make of it.

Anyway, to end on a slightly more happier note, here is a quote from one of the comics I got at APE (LP/Lavapunch 2). I think it'd be a good ending for this post, since it might be a while before I get another one up.
"Aren't you afraid?"
"Sure I am. But I don't make it my life."

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