Thursday, December 29, 2016

What's Going On? (Life Update) 12/29/16

It's been a long time. Two or three months, it seems. Like I've always said, I'll try to get back on the daily tea grind whenever I have free time. And, it looks like now I do, with it being winter break and all.

So, how have I been in these three long months? Well, for the short version in no particular order:
1. Competition Civics has taken up most of my time.
2. College applications!
3. Meeting people?
4. District Attorney's Justice Academy!
5. End of first semester for senior year.
At least, that's what comes to mind. It's been so long since I've really written a blog post that I've forgotten why I really started in the first place– so I can save these memories. Looking back at old posts, I was going through a really bad time and it looks like stuff is looking up for me now.

Anyway, here's the long version.

First off: competition civics. In short, we're going to compete at state now! I'm in Unit 5, the Bill of Rights/legal unit, and I'm loving it. While my unit isn't necessarily perfect, I like to think we're a dysfunctional family. For the most part, it's mostly been me and another girl doing most of the work, and we've been carrying the third person, but in competition, we all end up pulling our weight pretty equally. The majority of our meetings go like this: we start writing the testimony (the prepared speech we have to do), and then something interesting comes up, and we end up arguing over random legal issues for the next hour or so. It works out pretty well, actually– we discuss many of the questions that come up in Q&A, so when they get asked, we know our stances and responses pretty well. At the first competition, districts, we were the only unit from my school to get first (by a measly 1 or 2 points); overall, as a school, we lost that one. However, at the second competition (the one that matters)– Regionals– my unit did miles better than the other schools, and we won by 13 points! A tiny margin, but hey, at least we got first.

Next: college applications. Oh man, they are stressful. These past few days, I've been writing and editing college essays from dawn till dusk. It's sort of my fault for waiting too long, but me being the indecisive person I am, I ended up dropping and adding a number of private colleges to my list. I'm now applying to Brown, Amherst, Cornell, Swarthmore, and Haverford. Back in November, I applied to UC Berkeley, Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, and Davis too. My major is undecided– still have no idea if I want to go into the humanities (e.g. law or history) or STEM yet, so hopefully I can figure that out in college. I don't know what I'm going to do if I get multiple acceptances to the private schools, but hopefully, we'll see what happens.

What's this about meeting people? Don't you meet people every day? Well, yes. But yesterday, actually, I met up with a girl from the opposing team for comp civics and it was interesting, to say the least. I didn't really go in expecting much (apparently people said it was a date, which was not my original intention), but I think she's pretty cool. Crazy smart, too. We talked about comp civics, mainly, but also about college and movies and stuff like that. On an unrelated note, I noticed that I get pretty tense when I talk to someone who I don't know that well but am interested in.

I'll make these last two sections pretty quick. On a whim (and because of an extended deadline), I applied to the county district attorney's justice academy, and I got in! For the next few months, I'm going to be attending legal seminars and it looks like I finally have that summer internship (not in science, but in law now). As for senior year, it's gone pretty well. It's not necessarily that hard, but it's super interesting. I love African American Lit (I've warmed up to my classmates, who are pretty cool), and AP Chem, my "hard" class, has turned out to be a decent challenge. It looks like I'm ending with all As, too, so there's that.

There. I finally wrote a post, and it only took three months. I'll be posting some of my essays I've written (not college essays, but just creative pieces) and new reviews soon enough. Crimson Lotus Tea's Yunniverse collection came in the mail today, and I have a few other teas that I got as gifts from people (David's Tea, Tea of Life, and Lupicia samples).

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