Sunday, May 17, 2015

Alternate History: 1930s-1960s

Well, I think it's time for some new posts, especially since it's been a while. Today's post isn't related with tea at all, but I thought it is an interesting scenario. It's for a new history project, which is essentially just a what-if video about a turning point in history. My topic is the Pacific Theatre.

This is what I'm thinking (if it isn't stated here, I either failed to mention it or history continued as normal):

Early-mid 1930's: The Manhattan Project scientists, namely Einstein and Fermi, reach the US by ship. Hitler, knowing the intelligence of these men, convinces the US to deport them and arrests them when they return to Europe. He plans to use them to create the atomic bomb, in preparation for war.

Late 30's: Hitler secretly launches the Munich Project using the best scientists in Europe to create an atomic bomb. Scientists who refuse to cooperate are executed or tortured. While this is happening, he signs a pact with the Soviets and launches his invasion of Poland. Japan is fighting the Soviets in China (Khalkhin Gol).

1940: After Poland, France is invaded by Germany and defeated. Hitler decides to only attack airfields and communication lines (the Blitz or bombing of cities never occurs). As a result, Germany is able to gain air superiority and win the Battle of Britain. Hitler launches Operation Sea Lion, and invades Britain. 

1941: German troops establish a beachhead and begin the blitzkrieg in Britain. The US (or FDR), due to their alliance with Britain, declares war against Germany and reluctantly sends troops to fight in Britain. With the Americans, Britain is able to stop the German advance. A stalemate occurs.

1942: The Munich Project is completed. Hitler, wanting to break the stalemate, decides to give the atomic bomb to the Japanese in order to force the US to surrender. The Japanese, with no official declaration of war, flies the bomb over the Pacific ocean and destroys Pearl Harbor and surrounding cities. Due to low amounts of public support for the war in Britain and fear of more nuclear destruction, the US surrenders to the Axis powers. They withdraw from Britain, and months later, Germany conquers Britain. Japan begins their own production of atomic weapons. Because the Allies are never able to focus their forces on any other fronts (Britain is too occupied with protecting themselves, the US surrendered/never really wanted to go to war), the Pacific Theater never officially happens. There are some skirmishes with Russia over border areas, but it never breaks out into full war due to a pact. Japan conquers most of East Asia and begins expanding westward. 

1943: Hitler begins his invasion of Russia from the west. Japan invades Russia from the southeast, from China (which had been fallen previously, due to no support from the Allies). Without support from the British or Americans, the Soviet Union surrenders within the year. Japan controls the Eastern half of Russia, and Germany controls the West. World War 2 is officially over.

1943-1950: The Axis begin world domination via spheres of influence or direct control. Germany controls all of Europe, most of the Americas, part of Africa, and the Western part of Russia. Japan controls almost all of Asia, from Australia to the Middle East, and the Eastern part of Russia. Italy controls only part of Africa.

1950s-1960s: Tensions rise between the two growing superpowers- Japan and Germany. This culminates in war for resources/territory in Russia. The German-Japanese War for Russia begins first with clandestine operations, then direct conflict within the country. The war ends with Russia's destruction- Japan attacks with their own atomic bomb, and Germany responds with a hydrogen bomb. Japan is unable to keep up in an atomic arms race with Germany, and surrenders before nuclear holocaust. A large portion of Russia is destroyed before Japan withdraws. Peace agreements are signed: Russia becomes fully controlled by Germany, and both sides agree to never use atomic weapons again after seeing the destruction that they can cause. Tensions stay high, but no conflict of that magnitude ever occurs again.

1960s+: Japan and Germany become world superpowers with very large spheres of influence; Germany in the west (Europe) and Japan in the east (Asia). Italy becomes a second rate power with only a small amount of territory in comparison. The Americas are shared between the two superpowers. The Cold War/Vietnam/Korea never happen on the scale that it did in real life, due to somewhat similar governments (fascism). However, proxy wars still occur.

And that's all I got! The project only asks for 20 years after the war, so there's that. 

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