Monday, February 8, 2016

Tea Review: Mystery Tea (Genmaicha?) - Unknown

Tea Info
Type: Green
Producer: Unknown
Origin: Japan
Brewing Parameters: 5 g, ~80°C, 30s – Cupping
Appearance: Large, flat brown leaves with popped rice, stems, and I think roasted soybean shells
Rating: C- | 72/100
# of Brews: 3

Tasting Notes and Thoughts
I'm a bit sick today, so this is going to be a quick and probably not that in depth review. To be completely honest, though, I have no idea what this tea is. Because it has popped rice, I'm assuming it's genmaicha, but the leaves and presence of stems makes me question that. There were no labels on the container it came in, too; the only sticker on the container just stated in Japanese that it's a tea caddy made of ABS plastic.

The smell is interesting, to say the least. When the leaves are dry, it smells of soy sauce, but when they're wet, it smells like marijuana smoke. The liquid, on the other hand, was still smokey, but more indistinct and less like marijuana. The color of the tea was a dark amber color, and there was very little sediment even without using a strainer. It tasted how it smelled, with roasty and savory notes of smoke, nuts (cashews?), and wood. It was a bit sour, too, with complimented the smoke taste, which lingered in the mouth long after drinking. The texture was generally smooth, but dried the throat very slightly for a few seconds. Overall, I don't know how I feel about it; the taste is alright (it's unique, in a word), but I can't stand the smoky smell and strength.

Other Notes
No school today! Since I'm sick (sore throat, nasal drip, runny nose, the works), all I'll be doing is homework and catching up on stuff– mainly just homework, studying, applications, and the science fair. I kind of spent the whole weekend playing Total War Shogun 2, which I'm a bit obsessed with now. 

As for last week, it was pretty eventful. On Monday, I watched our competition civics team practice in a dress rehearsal (since I'm trying out for the team next year); Tuesday, I did work and a bunch of homework; Wednesday, I had my mock trial competition, and Thursday I submitted my work and studied. Friday I just chilled and I ended up getting sick on Saturday. I'll need to start getting my shit together since the internship applications are due in less than two weeks (I'm applying to three), and the science fair is a month. Wish me luck.

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