Saturday, January 30, 2016

What's Going On? (Life Update) 1/30/16

Woo, 5/8ths done with high school! Now that first semester is done, it's time to pick my classes for next year and figure out what I'm going to do now.

First off, finals went pretty well. Like I said before, I got an A in all of them except for English, and I finished the semester with all A's. On the FRQ portion of the stat final (that I was waiting for results last time I posted about finals), I got a 98/100. I feel kind of bad about it though, especially since the average was in the F to D range (there were a surprising amount of 50-60%'s).

Next, let's talk about classes for next year! I finalized my selections, and here are my choices:
African American Literature - I'm taking this just for the fact that I'm really interested in the subject and I'm at the point where I don't want to take any more AP classes
AP Government & Macroeconomics - After listening to the teacher talk about it, I like the style of how its run (college styled, focused on lectures) and I'm vaguely interested in the subject
AP Chemistry - I want take chemistry because of my potential college major (biotechnology!), but I'm in that weird spot where regular chemistry is too slow-paced, and I don't have the knowledge for AP chemistry. My solution is to self-study throughout this semester and the summer, but who knows how that'll go
AP Art History - Since I want to go to a UC, I need an art class/credit, and I'd rather not take ceramics or art or anything. I was going to take video production, but apparently there is going to be a new teacher and I'd much rather not have that teacher. I do enjoy appreciating art, history, and culture, however, and this class seems like a good solution to my art credit issue.
Science Research - Kind of self explanatory; it's the career I'd like to go into in the future, and it's just a whole class dedicated to it!
Competition Civics - This class is going to be interesting. A lot of the mock trial people are signing up for it, and some of the stuff it's about– like case law, democracy, and the constitution– are things I love (which is one of the reasons why I love US History).
The schedule next year is going to be a bit hectic, but it's filled with classes I think I'm going to enjoy, so I'm not too worried. Also, my GPA is at that point where getting As are nice bonuses, but I'm fine with settling for Bs.

As for extracurriculars, I have my mock trial competition round as a journalist on wednesday, so once I'm done writing this I'm going to practice writing an article (wish me luck!). I have a good feeling about the team this year. The science fair is in a month and a half, and I still have to do data analysis, so I'll be working on that on the weekends and probably in my free time. I also have those summer application things I have to do, which I have been procrastinating on; in fact, the Japanese essay is due in two days and I might need to rewrite the entire thing. That's probably what I'll be doing tomorrow. I also need to start up that tea class I was planning to host at the library, but I need to find time for it.

Finally, let's talk about stuff that's happened this weekend which was interesting. Yesterday, some friends invited me over for dinner and I ended up having a drink there (only one). Later, they started smoking, but I didn't join them (I did play darts though; it turns out I'm pretty good, since I got 3 bullseyes in a row on my first try). Drinking and smoking aren't really my things, but hanging out was fun; we ended up biking for a while in the rain which was nice. Today, I watched Seven Samurai since I did a presentation on it for Japanese class, and I enjoyed it a lot. A bit long, but Kurosawa is a damn good director (it's probably up there on my rankings near Ikiru).

So, here's to this semester being a good one. See you guys next review!

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