Monday, January 18, 2016

Tea Review: Organic Mulberry Tea - OrganicMulberryTea

Tea Info
Type: Herbal teabags/tisane
Producer: OrganicMulberryTea/Eon Foods International
Origin: Thailand
Brewing Parameters: 1 teabag (~2 g), 100°C, 5 minutes - Western style
Appearance: Teabag filled with dark green dust
Rating: B | 84/100
# of Brews: 1

Tasting Notes and Thoughts
Again, it turns out I lied. I'm doing this review instead of the corn tea since this is technically my Dad's tea, and I want to do a review of this before he finishes it since it's a unique tea. When we bought it, the person was touting it as some sort of detox tea for diabetes that lowers/blocks excessive blood sugar. I don't really believe this (you'd probably have to actually drink the full tea leaves), but I had it last night and it was surprisingly good.

Anyway, when brewed, the tea was a very dark green, similar to a matcha with a high water to powder ratio. The smell was peculiar, to say the least, with notes of fried potatoes and mint. For some reason, the only tea that I can really compare this to is matcha (probably the cheap culinary ones I've gotten from China). The flavor is a bit sour, with slight notes of fruitiness and cream. There is definitely the grassy flavor of green tea too, but it's a bit weak. It's relatively smooth, too, but by the time I finished the cup, it left a dry sensation in the throat. I think before, when I didn't brew it this long and used a slightly lower temperature, the flavor was more grassy rather than of fried food. Overall, however, I did enjoy this tea quite a bit, but I wouldn't recommend it for the health benefits.

Other Notes
No school today, so I'm just going to try to study for finals for the majority of the day. Haven't really been having the best weekend, but oh well. Shit'll probably get better once finals are done.

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