Monday, July 6, 2015

Recipe: Avocado Baked Eggs with Garlic, Tomato, Lemon, Sea Salt, and Green Tea

So, thanks to my girlfriend, I've also decided to post some of my recipes on here (I'll try to include tea in them just to fit with the blog theme)! This, along with guacamole, is my go-to recipe for avocados.

Avocado (1 whole avocado)
Garlic (1-2 cloves)
Loose leaf green tea (1 tbsp of leaves)
Lemon (1 whole lemon)
Any oil (Spray or 1 tbsp) 
Tomato (1 whole tomato)
Egg (1-2 whole eggs)
Sea salt (Add to taste)
Pepper (Add to taste)
Water (2-3 tbsp)

How to prepare
Step 1: Cut your avocado (hass) in half and remove the pit. Scoop out some of the avocado to create a deeper well for the egg. You can either get rid of the excess avocado, place it in a separate ramekin, or stuff it into one of the avocado halves (if you're only using 1 egg). Preheat the oven to 350-400°F. 
Step 2: Place the avocados, with the flesh facing out, on a baking tray so they stand up & are balanced. Crack open an egg or 2 and pour them into each well. It should sit snug, but it's fine if it overflows- just get rid of the excess (it can get messy). Scrambled eggs work too!
Step 3: Cut a tomato into slices (size depends on preference, but I cut it 1/3" thick). I use roma tomatoes for this.  Place the slice on top of the avocado; it shouldn't be wider than the avocado.
Step 4: Chop or mince your garlic cloves. Evenly sprinkle/distribute it over the avocado.
Step 5: Heat your water if it isn't already warm, and brew your tea. Once the leaves are opened, evenly sprinkle them over the avocado. Personally, I like using a loose leaf green tea, like a sencha or Pi Lo Chun since the leaves are small and taste pretty good on their own. If your baking tray allows, pour the brewed tea onto it so it can evaporate and create an aroma (don't waste!).
Step 5: Cut your lemon, depending on how much juice you want. Squeeze/juice it over the avocados. I haven't tried this yet, but you can also try adding lemon zest, along with the juice, for flavor.
Step 6: Sea salt and pepper to taste. Quickly spray the tops of the avocados with oil (I use canola because I have it), or just drizzle (grapeseed or olive oil would work great too).
Step 7: Carefully place in oven, so as to not knock over the avocados or spill anything. Cook at 350-400°F for 20-30 minutes, depending on how well done you want your eggs.
Step 8: Serve! They're great as their own meal or as a side.

Note: you can pretty much do anything with this recipe- add spices, do steps 3-6 out of order, miss/add steps, whatever! It's pretty forgiving since it's so simple.

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