Friday, July 17, 2015

What's Going On? (Life Update) 7/17/15

Woo, California Extreme is tomorrow! I'm gonna be volunteering for 2 hours both Saturday and Sunday, so I'll have free admission for the whole convention (so many free play arcade games!). The Megas are also going to be playing there, so I'm excited; I'm going to try and get a CD signed for one of my friends. Oh, and I might also film a video since I haven't made one in a while (it might be hard since it's going to be only me, and you also kinda need 2 hands to play arcade games).

Anyway, now lets get to what's been going on in my life.

As for tea stuff, I've mostly only been practicing cupping tea (aka tea tasting with the set I got from Tea Ave), as you can see in my most recent review. I've only really been drinking the Tea Ave stuff lately, and to be honest, I'm not sure how I feel towards the brand. Some of their teas are really good (remind me to pick up some Oriental Beauty), but for some reason, their tea can be really hard to brew. Like, it either tastes really good or like total crap if its' done right, and from what I've seen, it's kind of hard to do it right. It might be just me, which is why I've been drinking it so much lately (to try and get a feel for it), but I dunno. Other than that, I've also been planning to do that review of Twinings' The Rich Milk Tea soon since I really want to try it.

My job hunt kind of went on hold because I'm losing motivation right now, but I'm going to force myself to fill out the apps next week, along with starting summer homework (the writing part- I finished reading the Scarlet Letter in a binge reading session). As of now, I've only turned in 1 app and have the rest just lying in a folder in my room. Oh well. The dream for a science internship is still alive, though (which is a great transition into my next paragraph!).

Instead of getting a science internship like I was hoping, it turns out that I'm going to be on the opposite side- I joined a study about teen sleep! Essentially, they're trying to see how effective sleep coaching is at UC Berkeley. I finished the first interview and they think I'm a good candidate, so they're making me do sleep diaries for a week (what time I went to bed, how many times I woke up, how long it took for me to fall asleep, etc.). If they like my sleep diaries and my second interview, I get to do an 8-week (?) long study, where I have to sleep at their clinic, wear an Actiwatch, and take sleep coaching sessions. They'll then keep a tab on me for the next year to see how I'm doing. I'm really excited for this since it's research that also can help me at the same time. Honestly, I tried sleeping like how I did during the school year earlier this week (6 or less hours of sleep), and I was tired as hell all day; I have no idea how I kept that up for so long, and I guess I can see why I always passed out for a nap right after school. So, I'm really hoping I'll get accepted into the study after the second interview.

Other than that, I didn't really do much this week because of how hyped I am for CAX and that study. Mostly just SAT classes, CS:GO, and the Kill Bill movies (I really liked those). Oh, and I finally saw my girlfriend for the first time since summer started! We watched movies and played games at her house with some other people, which was pretty fun (except the fact that it seemed like her parents were shooting daggers at and judging me the whole time and were using her siblings to spy on us). Can't wait until she gets back at the end of July.

Finally, here's just a list of what I want to get done before July ends:
-Finish/turn in all of those job apps
-Participate in the sleep study
-Read those science textbooks I've been too lazy to read lately
-Read the APUSH text & work on the respective homework (along with AP english stuff)
-Make an examples Quizlet for AP english
-Practice piano, better handwriting, etc.
-Write those reviews I've been waiting to do for so long
-If I do record stuff at CAX, then edit + release the video
-Bike/exercise/eat/cook more & better
-Other stuff that I can't remember right now; I might update this later

Well, thanks for reading! I'm going to go be excited about CAX and the Megas and all that other stuff.

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