Saturday, July 4, 2015

What's Going On? (Life Update) 7/4/15

Happy 4th of July! Go America.

Anyway, here's what's been happening- I've designated July as my "Get Shit Done" month, so for the past few days I've been trying to actually get something useful done.

Since the 1st, I've been practicing piano for around an hour (?) a day, and have gotten pretty far. As of now, the songs that I've focusing on and can play somewhat decently now are Before Dawn from the .hack//SIGN soundtrack, the instrumental to Paper Boats from the Transistor soundtrack, and The Impossible Dream from the Man of La Mancha soundtrack. I actually enjoy playing now, since I've gotten much better at sight reading. However, I still have that dream of playing Piano Sonata in A Minor Croatoa, Op. 5, Mov. 1 by Jonas Blake one day (the piano cover of Lost Temple of Croatoa Suite from Jamestown); maybe I'll be able to before I graduate, but I still have a really long way to go. The Apartment Theme would also be a nice song to know too.

On the 2nd, I had SAT practice class from Princeton Review (which I'm honestly not too happy about, but oh well it's something to do). We got the scores back from the previous SAT practice test we took, and as of now, I'm at 1730 with a 3/6 on the essay. I'm pretty sure I can improve, since it seems like a lot of the questions I got wrong were because of not reading closely enough. After that, I spent a couple hours biking all over my town looking for places that were hiring and for job applications (I'll talk about it more below). Here's a tip: don't go job hunting before Independence Day weekend, since every place is closed early and isn't open until the next week.

The 3rd wasn't really a productive day (in terms of "Getting Shit Done"), but I actually had fun with friends! Honestly, I'm a bit disappointed with myself since I've only hung out with friends twice this whole summer. The first time I got lunch and hung out with my old friends a week ago, and this time, I went to the fair for the whole day with a different group- my newer friends. It was a ton of fun, but a lot of them had to leave early and I couldn't go on much rides after a while since I felt like throwing up from the heat & dehydration. Also got some SAT homework done but that's pretty much it.

Today, I started online Drivers' Ed classes, did some more SAT homework, wrote this, and maybe will fill out some of the applications.

As for the girlfriend, we've been chatting almost every day since she's been out of country after summer started (would prefer if we were hanging out together, but oh well). It's gotten more serious and a lot of stuff has happened, but I still like her as much as when we started dating. If you're reading this, I'm not lying, even though you might think different. I'm planning to give her something big for when she gets back (not gonna spoil it), but it might involve stuffed animals and junk food and stuff.

As for some sort of work, my hopes for a biology or science internship have pretty much died at this point since professors seem to want to get emails months in advance (reminder to self: start emails in spring), and the chances now are super slim. I'm a bit bummed out since that one guy from my science fair project (the one who did the least) got a really nice, paid internship at UCSF because of family connections, but oh well, I'm not rich. I've changed my focus to a part time job (summer, but might continue through the school year), and I think I have my CV/resume almost ready. The places I'm interested in are Baskin Robbins, 99 Ranch, Rising Loafer (a cafe/bakery-I'm sure you can guess where I live now from that), Java Detour (a drive-thru coffee shop), Screenworks (fixing screens woo) and Workbench Hardware (I'm interested, but the hours/available shifts are kinda crap). To be honest, though, I'm actually a bit scared of this since it'll be a big change, but I need the money (for reasons stated below) and something to do.

Other stuff I have in store are volunteering at California Extreme and AP homework. The volunteering I'm looking forward to because it's going to be a ton of free arcade games and bands playing, but I might have to go alone since all of my friends are either busy or out of town. I've started the AP homework (English and History woo), but I've been going at a snail's pace since I'm too lazy to spend a ton of time on it. I also started reading the AP Physics textbook, even though I'm not signed up for the class, so there's that. Oh, and one last thing that I haven't mentioned yet- I think I'm gonna be going to Japan with my sister for winter break! I've been saving since the start of this year (I'm at $1000 now; a job will help tremendously), and my parents are letting me go with her since she'll be studying abroad then. Woo!

Well, that's it! I might try to figure out a schedule to post these so they're not super long like this one, but I've kinda been lazy on posting stuff lately so we'll see. Thanks for reading!

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