Thursday, July 23, 2015

What's Going On? (Life Update) 7/23/15

Short update today since I feel kinda weird posting 2 life updates without anything in between.

So, California Extreme was great this year, even though none of my friends went. I played a ton of arcade games (and screwed up my wrist in the process!), joined a Panic Park tournament and got eliminated on the first round, met a bunch of people during my volunteering shifts, had a hell of a time at the Rockage SJ concerts, and overall had a lot of fun. I'm super happy since I got to meet the Megas (they complimented me on my Protomen shirt!) and Kirby's Dream Band (first time I heard their music ever, and I was blown away). I spent a ton of my money on merch, and got a CD from Dog Party, a vinyl from Kirby's Dream Band, and a CD from The Megas. I got the vinyl and Megas CDs signed for me and my friend (and in the process got to meet the bands and talk to them- they're super nice). Way better than last year even though Police 911, my favorite arcade game, or my friends weren't there.

As for non-CAX stuff, there wasn't really much since I've been taking it easy with my wrist. For tea stuff, I had a free sample come in from Teazillo, and I was pretty surprised. I got rose flavored black tea, and it came within two days of it shipping. The guy put them in really nice tins and included an extra (I only ordered 1). I'll get a review on that up sometime, but from what I've tried so far, it's actually pretty good. I've also been practicing cupping with the teas from Red Blossom Tea Co and Tea Ave, and drinking Twinings' The Rich Milk Tea (review also coming soon).

For non-tea stuff, I took another SAT practice test and got 2000 on it (10 more than last time, woo). The only 'work'- I doubt it even counts as real work- that I've really done is learning Audacity and converting my vinyls to digital. I also shipped out a package to my British friend with that signed Megas CD and some Ghiradelli chocolate, since he's the one who introduced me to the Megas and he's been having some health problems lately (hopefully it cheers him up). I also tried emailing a local ice cream shop that just opened if they're hiring, but they haven't gotten back to me (note to self: start filling out those apps!). Lastly, the girlfriend has been in Hawaii with her family for the past week and will be until the end of July, so I haven't really been talking to much people other than a few internet friends, namely the British guy mentioned above. Actually, my parents are going to Hawaii next week so I'm going to be alone with the grandparents then (I dunno how I feel about it).

Finally, that sleep study is going well! I finished doing a week-long sleep diary in which they call me daily and ask me a few questions about my sleep. I have to actually go into their lab for an in person interview, but according to my dad, it looks like I'm going to be accepted for their actual study with the ActiWatch and sleep coaching and sleeping at the lab and everything. He says they told him that the study could really help me and that I'm a good candidate for it. We'll see how the interview goes next week; I'm pretty hyped for it.

That's all for now! Thanks for reading.

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