Sunday, August 2, 2015

What's Going On? (Life Update) 8/2/15

I know I've been posting these too often lately but I really want to do something meaningful before summer ends- especially since I've been a hermit and done jack all this summer and everyone I know has gone somewhere on vacation, volunteered places, hung out with friends, got jobs, internships, whatever. I want to do something that makes me feel like I haven't wasted all this time, and August is going to be the time I do it. And so, I dub this month the "Really Get Shit Done" month and this update the "August Checklist" update. Welcome to Summer-land.

Anyway, stuff that's happened lately first. I had an interview for the sleep study, which went pretty well. They said I'm likely to continue in the study, and I got $30 in Amazon gift cards for participating so far. I'm going to get a call either tomorrow or Tuesday about staying in the study, so my fingers are crossed. The girlfriend also came back from Hawaii and I got her flowers, but both of us need to find free time before we hang out together (related, my sister came back last night and she's going to spend the month here). I also finished the SAT classes, with my last test grade being 2200 which was pretty great. Only 1 wrong on the math section, and over 700 on everything else. Other than that, not much because of the wrist and my own laziness (I did start the summer homework and am now 1/4th done).

Now that that's out of the way, here's my checklist for August, before school starts (in no particular order):

  1. Finish all of the AP homework (English, History) and study for the tests
  2. Practice piano (pieces I would like to learn, including this binder I got from my teacher full of songs)
  3. Bike with my dad every other day; related- work out
  4. Write more tea reviews and creative writing stuff
  5. Hang out with friends
  6. Practice SAT stuff using the books from class
  7. Learn physics and maybe chem with the textbook and online videos (Khan Academy or UC Berkeley?); related- review Biology for the SAT subject test
  8. Build the algae tank for the science fair or just prep for that
  9. Do this project I've wanted to do for a long time (essentially, watch a movie every day/every other day for a full month and do a super quick review on it)
  10. Email admin assistants at colleges about internships (thanks reddit!); related- email people about volunteer opportunities
  11. Read books
  12. Cook more since I haven't done too much of that lately
  13. Other stuff that I can mention later
And that's it. It's a lot, but as long as I get at least a few done, I'll be happy. I do have two new life rules related to it (thanks to my British friend and also reddit), so here they are:
Everybody has the same amount of time. Everyone just chooses to do different things with it.
There is always more time.

Thanks for reading, and hopefully it all goes well!

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