Saturday, January 31, 2015

Day 7: Masculin

Brand: Lupicia
Type: Herbal (Rooibos base)
Brew Time & Temperature: 3 minutes, boiling water
Leaf Appearance: Red-brown rooibos with bits of herbs (maca, ginseng, ginger) and powdered cinnamon
Color: A very nice shade of orange
Smell: Dominantly cinnamon
Recommended with/as: Honey, sugar, as is
Rating: 7.5/10

Tasting notes and thoughts:
This tea is a bit different, for lack of better words. It has a very strong cinnamon kick, with a slightly sour aftertaste. As for the other herbs, it would be hard to tell that it was in the tea, but it would certainly be doable. I can't really describe this tea, since it just tastes very odd overall. However, it did grow on me after a few cups, and I would recommend this as a before-bed tea (since its a rooibos and isn't terrible- just different). I could see this as a tea for people who do like savory teas.

Other notes:
Hooray! 1 week in, 13 more to go.

Next on the 100 Days of Tea: Jasmin Mandarin

Friday, January 30, 2015

Day 6: Amanatsu Oolong

Brand: Lupicia
Type: Flavored Oolong
Brew Time & Temperature: 2 minutes, boiling water
Leaf Appearance: Balled, dark green oolong leaves with rock sugar added
Color: Light yellow-green
Smell: Mainly tangerine/orange with floral notes
Recommended with/as: As is, iced
Rating: 9/10

Tasting notes and thoughts:
Surprisingly, this tea was not as sweet or as fruity as I expected it to be. Before I brewed it, the oolong had a very strong tangerine or orange smell, and I expected it to taste as such. However, I was pleasantly surprised when I started tasting it- rather than having a super strong fruit taste (like Momo Oolong Super Grade), it had mostly a floral taste (somewhat similar to rose tea). The tangerine taste isn't too overbearing or strong, combines well with the floral flavor of the tea, and adds a nice aftertaste. I would recommend this tea on its own or iced, since its sweet enough to not warrant added sweetener. Overall, this tea is a nice combination of floral and tangerine taste, with great leaves (gotta love balled oolong, which looks great when it unfurls).

Other notes:
Dating problems. That is all.

Next on the 100 Days of Tea: Masculin

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Day 5: Daruma

Brand: Lupicia
Type: Flavored Black
Brew Time & Temperature: 3 minutes, boiling water
Leaf Appearance: Black CTC leaves, with fruits, peppers, and flower petals added
Color: Dark orange-red (amber?)
Smell: Fruity smell- it's a mix of different fruits, so it's hard to exactly tell. I think strawberry (?) seems to be most prevailing smell, however.
Recommended with/as: Honey, sugar, milk, iced
Rating: 8.5/10

Tasting notes and thoughts:
I think I really like this tea. The fruit taste isn't too strong, and the pepper adds a nice spicy kick to the tea. Since I don't have an ingredient list (and couldn't find one online), I can't really explain the combination of fruit, so all I can say is that it has a nice earthy (?) flavor which isn't too artificial. Honey complements this tea very nicely, as it adds a sweetness that mixes well with the pepper and fruits. It's also good with a tiny bit of milk. Overall, I think it's great, but like some other fruity black teas, I can see it getting old after a while.

Despite all of this, I thought that it's not really unique for Lupicia. The fruit blend is very similar to a few of their other teas, and thus the taste is too (Cache-Cache). As a result, I can only give this tea an 8.5/10 (I do recommend it if you like fruity teas, though!).

Other notes:
I may have screwed up. I kind of convinced a friend to break up with her boyfriend, since she likes one of my buddies and also talked about being unhappy in the relationship. Anyway, she finally did, and now she's a bit depressed about it for reasons that are hard to explain. Relationships suck, man.

Next on the 100 Days of Tea: Amanatsu Oolong

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Day 4: Sencha "Chiran"

Brand: Lupicia
Type: Green
Brew Time & Temperature: 1.5 minutes, 75-80 degrees Celsius
Leaf Appearance: Somewhat grass or needle like small leaves
Color: Light yellow-green
Smell: Grassy
Recommended with/as: As is
Rating: 8/10

Tasting notes and thoughts:
Before I start this review, keep in mind that I brewed only once, used a small amount of leaf (1 teabag), a relatively large amount of water, and probably too high of a temperature. As such, the tea was a little weak in terms of flavor, which might affect my review. I know I should really brew at least 3 times with large amounts of leaf and little water, but for the sake of this project (and laziness), I won't. However, in the future after the project, I will do this for all green teas given I have enough loose leaf.

Anyway, I thought that this tea was around average for a green tea (but I liked it!). Unlike some other greens, this tea did not have a very strong fishy taste, but instead have light grassy undertones. Overall, I thought that it's a very mellow tea. I didn't really taste any potato (which was mentioned on the packaging), but I did feel a bit of tanginess. It's good, but I'd like it more if it had a bit more flavor (if I ever find the loose leaf of this tea, I might try it again and brew it properly next time).

Other notes:
Class selections have started, and man, it's hard to decide. I really want to get into a physics major (aerospace!), but I'll have to take a bunch of engineering classes to graduate in the engineering academy. Although it's not really related to what I want to major in, I'm really looking forward to Criminal Justice next year though, since I find the justice/legal system really interesting. Also, I should really learn HTML since the layout of this blog is starting to bother me, and Blogger's template editor is a bit limited.

Next on the 100 Days of Tea: Daruma

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Day 3: Honey and Pear

Brand: Lupicia
Type: Flavored Green (Houjicha)
Brew Time & Temperature: 2 minutes, boiling water
Leaf Appearance: Mostly dust/broken up, brown, with many twigs
Color: Medium-light amber
Smell: Strong roasted smell (typical of houjicha) with a slight hint of pear
Recommended with/as: As is
Rating: 8/10

Tasting notes and thoughts:
First off, the tea seemed a bit lower quality than usual, mostly because about a quarter of it was fannings or dust; I'm not sure if it's because this is a tea bag (it would probably be better loose-leaf). Secondly, I thought the taste was decent. The tea had a nice roasted, smoky flavor with a bit of sweetness. However, the roasted taste of houjicha overpowered most of the fruit flavors to the point where the pear was almost unnoticeable (but the overall taste counteracts this shortcoming). I enjoyed the tea, but I'd recommend picking up an unflavored houjicha instead. I'd also recommend against adding anything to it since it tastes fine as it is.

Other notes:
Nothing today. See you guys tomorrow!

Next on the 100 Days of Tea: Sencha "Chiran"

Monday, January 26, 2015

Day 2: Momo Oolong Super Grade

Brand: Lupicia
Type: Flavored Oolong
Brew Time & Temperature: 2 minutes, boiling water
Leaf Appearance: Small, mostly rolled or broken up leaves with some flower petals
Color: Light yellow-green
Smell: Very strong peach smell
Recommended with/as: As is, iced
Rating: 9/10

Tasting notes and thoughts:
To be honest, I've tried this tea before (in loose leaf form) and I loved it. However, it looks like the leaves used in the tea bags are much lower quality and broken up, which is a bit disappointing. The flavor is great and not too strong and not too weak, and the peach taste is perfect and not artificial. I'd recommend not adding any sugar or honey to this tea, since it's already sweet enough and it would probably overpower the taste. One of my favorites in the collection (but a bit pricey).

Other notes:
Nothing really today, but I'm pretty happy that I got a 4.0 this semester after spending the past few weeks stressing out about my finals.

Next on the 100 Days of Tea: Honey & Pear

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Day 1: Cassis and Blueberry

Brand: Lupicia
Type: Flavored Black
Brew Time & Temperature: 3 minutes, boiling water
Leaf Appearance: Relatively small, curled, and broken up with a few twigs
Color: Medium-dark amber
Smell: Very strong blueberry smell
Recommended with/as: Honey, Sugar, Iced
Rating: 7.5/10

Tasting notes and thoughts:
Surprisingly, the tea tastes more like blackcurrant (cassis) more than blueberry, despite the smell. However, the tea was lacking in terms of taste. The taste was somewhat weak/bland, (but was improved with honey or sugar), but this may be because I'm not really a big fan of currants. I do admit that it eventually grew on me after the first few cups, though. I would recommend this, though, if you enjoy the fruits listed or just fruity teas in general. It was a great way to end a long bike ride!

Other notes:
I guess I've decided that there will be no pictures of the tea; I'll try to use only my words to describe it. This is a blog for me to improve my writing and tasting skills, right? (Also, I hope no one really reads these first few reviews because I know they're going to be pretty crappy- this is actually my first review ever, heh)

Next on the 100 Days of Tea: Momo Oolong Super Grade

Friday, January 23, 2015

Hey There!

I have no idea how you found my blog, but welcome!

On this blog, I'll be tasting various teas, rating them, and writing a short review. There may also be other stuff (not tea-related), but that hasn't been decided at this time. Pretty much, the main goal of this is for me to get better at the art of tea tasting, making tea, and just writing in general. It's probably going to be more of a personal blog, if anything.

Anyway, I'll probably be starting the main part of this project(?) soon- the 100 days of tea. I recently came into the "Book of Tea 100" from Lupicia (a big box containing 100 different flavors of tea in tea bags), so I'm going to try and taste a different tea each day for 100 days straight. Yes, I know having the tea in tea bags kind of sucks compared to loose leaf, but alas I am a poor student.

Also, please excuse me if my reviews seem kind of crappy at first, or if the blog just looks terrible. This is pretty much my first time doing something like this, but I hope it all works.

Thanks, and I hope you enjoy!