Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Day 4: Sencha "Chiran"

Brand: Lupicia
Type: Green
Brew Time & Temperature: 1.5 minutes, 75-80 degrees Celsius
Leaf Appearance: Somewhat grass or needle like small leaves
Color: Light yellow-green
Smell: Grassy
Recommended with/as: As is
Rating: 8/10

Tasting notes and thoughts:
Before I start this review, keep in mind that I brewed only once, used a small amount of leaf (1 teabag), a relatively large amount of water, and probably too high of a temperature. As such, the tea was a little weak in terms of flavor, which might affect my review. I know I should really brew at least 3 times with large amounts of leaf and little water, but for the sake of this project (and laziness), I won't. However, in the future after the project, I will do this for all green teas given I have enough loose leaf.

Anyway, I thought that this tea was around average for a green tea (but I liked it!). Unlike some other greens, this tea did not have a very strong fishy taste, but instead have light grassy undertones. Overall, I thought that it's a very mellow tea. I didn't really taste any potato (which was mentioned on the packaging), but I did feel a bit of tanginess. It's good, but I'd like it more if it had a bit more flavor (if I ever find the loose leaf of this tea, I might try it again and brew it properly next time).

Other notes:
Class selections have started, and man, it's hard to decide. I really want to get into a physics major (aerospace!), but I'll have to take a bunch of engineering classes to graduate in the engineering academy. Although it's not really related to what I want to major in, I'm really looking forward to Criminal Justice next year though, since I find the justice/legal system really interesting. Also, I should really learn HTML since the layout of this blog is starting to bother me, and Blogger's template editor is a bit limited.

Next on the 100 Days of Tea: Daruma

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