Friday, January 23, 2015

Hey There!

I have no idea how you found my blog, but welcome!

On this blog, I'll be tasting various teas, rating them, and writing a short review. There may also be other stuff (not tea-related), but that hasn't been decided at this time. Pretty much, the main goal of this is for me to get better at the art of tea tasting, making tea, and just writing in general. It's probably going to be more of a personal blog, if anything.

Anyway, I'll probably be starting the main part of this project(?) soon- the 100 days of tea. I recently came into the "Book of Tea 100" from Lupicia (a big box containing 100 different flavors of tea in tea bags), so I'm going to try and taste a different tea each day for 100 days straight. Yes, I know having the tea in tea bags kind of sucks compared to loose leaf, but alas I am a poor student.

Also, please excuse me if my reviews seem kind of crappy at first, or if the blog just looks terrible. This is pretty much my first time doing something like this, but I hope it all works.

Thanks, and I hope you enjoy!

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