Monday, January 2, 2017

Review: Planet Baiying - Crimson Lotus Tea

Type: Pu'erh (Sheng)
Producer: Crimson Lotus Tea
Origin: 2015 Lancang, Yunnan
Brewing Parameters: 6-9 g; 100°C; 5s up in Gongfu style
Appearance: Tightly compressed ball of light to olive green leaves; it has the shape of a teardrop because one end is less compressed
Rating: B | 86/100
# of Brews: 6

Tasting Notes and Thoughts
Doing these reviews, I've realized that it's a bit hard because they can go through so many brews. Usually, the tea I drink loses its flavor at around 6 to 8 brews, so I can actually write about how it changes; however, for these planet teas, they go up past 10 and sometimes even to 20. So, it leaves me in a predicament– do I write a very long review and have a long tasting session, or do I write a short one and just drink throughout the day? It looks like I'm opting for the latter, so these reviews are more summaries than my usual review.

Anyway, as for this tea, it was one of the easier planets to open up, only taking 2 washes to completely come apart. Like most of the other teas (not sure if its the tea, or I've gotten a lot better at feeling out a tea when brewing), the texture is smooth with a light lasting aftertaste. It has a very slight waxy feeling, too. The color was a cloudy amber color, closer to orange than the usual yellow.

The taste, on the other hand, was an interesting in-between for the teas I've had so far. On first sip, it has apricot/fruity tones, which transition to a dull sweetness and eventually an earthy and sour aftertaste. From what I drank, the flavor stayed relatively the same, but a sweet taste began to form in the back of my throat– which I haven't noticed in really any of the other teas.

All in all, I enjoyed this tea. It's an interesting combination of everything I've tried, and it's a nice tasting moderate. It doesn't necessarily excel in any particular place, but it makes for a good daily drink.

Other Notes
Today's album is Polyvinyl Plays Polyvinyl. Found this through STRFKR, and it's pretty interesting; the idea is that artists cover the somgs of other artists from this record label. My favorite songs are In Green by the Generationals, Ears Ring by Owen, and While I'm Alive by Psychic Twin.

Well, today, I watched Hail, Caesar! (good movie), baked a cheesecake for my friend's birthday tomorrow, bought lunch for my parents, and did some stuff with my arm to try and fix it (sort of helped– not really). Right now, I'm doing some competition civics work– reading up on cases– and then I'll head off to bed.

For the hell of it, I decided to sign up for a speech competition about the Constitution; essentially, it's a 10 minute memorized speech (holy hell that's long) about the roles of a citizen, and a 6 minute discussion thing. I'm doing it because it's nice practice for competition civics, but at the same time, I haven't necessarily really done anything like this before. Let's see how it goes. In relation, I finally decided to do the science fair again this year. I was iffy because it's senior year and I have a ton of work, but I want to do at least some small project. The plan is to do something with slime mold again.

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