Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Review: Planet Yiwu - Crimson Lotus Tea

Type: Pu'erh (Sheng)
Producer: Crimson Lotus Tea
Origin: Mengla, Yunnan; 2016
Brewing Parameters: 6-9 g; 100°C; 5s up in Gongfu style
Appearance: Tightly compressed, yellow to dark green ball
Rating: A- | 91/100
# of Brews: 10

Tasting Notes and Thoughts
Late review today! It's been kind of busy, and I'm in the middle of writing some testimony for competition civics, so this will also be somewhat of a quick one, too. I decided to save this planet as the last tea I'll be tasting, since I read somewhere that Yiwu is one of the most famous mountains for Pu'erh tea.

Interestingly, this tea had a strong aroma even before brewing. After the first wash (which opened the ball almost completely), there was a scent of peanuts and soy sauce with a hint of sweetness. Like the other teas, the color was a light orange-yellow (erring more on the side of yellow). Eventually, it turned to more of a reddish-amber, which was different.

Even though I didn't necessarily give that much attention to this tea while drinking, I thought it was surprisingly good. It was noticeably more floral and fruity than the others; however, it wasn't sweet. On first sip, there is a light berry taste, which has a hint of tartness to it. Then, it tastes similar to rose, ending on a bitter note. However, it leaves a dull sweetness in the mouth and some chocolate on the breath. It dries the throat and is a little waxy, similar to the other planets.

Overall, one of my favorite ones from this set (and I'm not biased, I swear! It's just a coincidence that I began to like each consecutive tea more than the last). To be honest, I think I might actually like it a bit more than Planet Jingmai– which was decent, compared to the other teas in this set.

Other Notes
Today's album is– there is none! I just put my playlist on shuffle and had random stuff play. However, if I did have to pick an album, I suggest Every Open Eye by CHVRCHES. I'm still particularly fond of pop/synth with female vocals, and CHVRCHES has been my fix for that. In fact, I actually bought the vinyl for this– but, alas, the motor on my turntable is wonky and it plays slightly too fast. But, regardless, I still have a few favorite songs on this album– Leave a Trace, Clearest Blue, and Bury It.

So, I started this review six hours earlier. Now, I just finished writing competition civics testimony, and now I'm doing this. Kind of pissed because the one person who was supposed to help me only wrote two paragraphs and left early, so I was stuck doing most of the work myself. Usually, my other partner helps out and it works out decently, but she's really sick (bless her heart), so I can forgive her. It sucks since that partner who was working with me today has consistently been subpar compared to the rest of the unit. She's doing too much stuff, and it shows; she constantly makes excuses and misses meetings. It's especially worrying, since she's doing another club (which is nowhere near as important) and she can only become free to do competition civics by the 14th– two weeks before State. So, who knows, maybe it'll all work itself out. I'm just worried because the team depends on my unit getting more points than the other schools to carry the rest of the team.

Also, I decided to ask that girl I met from the other team to go and watch a movie with me. Note - I said decided; I didn't ask yet. To be honest, I have no idea how to. I messaged her today asking about La La Land, since I heard it's a good movie and it's playing at the theatre I like to go to and the one she's interested in going to, but it turns out she's already seen it. So, no idea what to do. Will update when I get the chance. 

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