Sunday, January 1, 2017

Review: Planet Bangwei - Crimson Lotus Tea

Type: Pu'erh (Sheng)
Producer: Crimson Lotus Tea
Origin: Lancang, Yunnan; 2016
Brewing Parameters: 6-9 g; 100°C; 5s up in Gongfu style
Appearance: Dull green and yellow leaves in a tightly compressed misshapen ball
Rating: B+ | 88/100
# of Brews: 6

Tasting Notes and Thoughts
Short review today, since its New Years Eve and all.

Compared to yesterday's tea, this is much more compressed. Opening it up fully took three to four brews, and the wash was a cloudy yellow color. The leaves smelled great– somewhat savory, like worcestershire or soy sauce, with sweet, like pineapples.

As a whole, this tea is very fruity. The cloudiness cleared up, but the color stayed relatively the same–  yellowish. The flavor is sweet– slightly citrusy or like apricots– and vegetal, with a honeyed and bitter aftertaste. It's smooth, but it leaves a somewhat waxy texture in the mouth afterwards.

Overall, I like it, more than yesterday's Dark Planet. Personally, I prefer fruitier teas (or things more similar to oolongs/greens, than blacks) and this fits that pretty well. I found that as long as it brews well, it's great; however, it's a finicky tea. If it brews slightly too long or too hot, it gets very bitter. Too short or too cold, it's weak. These seem to be characteristics of most sheng puerhs. But, when its just right, it's an enjoyable tea.

(Note: This was supposed to be published yesterday, but I forgot to, so here it is now)

Other Notes
Today's album is Umbra by the Y Axes. I've actually been waiting quite a while for it to come out, and it was worth it. My favorite song on the album is Umbra.

Anyway, happy new years! I just finished watching the Green Mile (great movie, by the way) and am now watching Keanu. Now that my college apps are done, the rest of my break is going to be spent mostly relaxing or doing comp civics work. Not really sure what I'll do, but I have some stuff in mind– for one, finishing Assassination Classroom. I'm kind of stuck indoors for a while since my shoulder is fucked, but hey, at least I don't have work now.

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