Sunday, June 25, 2017

Review: Organic Detox Infusion - Mighty Leaf

Type: Herbal/Tisane
Producer: Mighty Leaf
Origin: Unknown
Brewing Parameters: 90-100°C, 5 min., 3.3g tea bag
Appearance: Dried, broken up dull green leaves (mint and basil?) with white flower petals in a nylon bag
Rating: C | 75/100
# of Brews: 1

Tasting Notes and Thoughts
Doubly quick review today, since this is a tea bag and I'm getting ready for bed. I forgot the story of this tea bag; I'm guessing I got it with the last Mighty Leaf bag I got a long time ago, which my mom brought home from who-knows-where. Since I've had a number of drinks with a ridiculous amount of sugar earlier– milk tea from Plentea and a chai from Starbucks– I thought this would be a nice way to wind down the day.

After brewing, the liquid came out a clear orange color with a strong scent of mint. I could see some sediment at the bottom, but that may just be calcium from the hard water in my area. Like most mint-based teas/tisanes, the main taste is sour, with a cooling sensation in the mouth and throat afterwards. I can also taste some soapy, bitter flavors (I'm guessing the basil? I don't know) along with herbal, smoky notes that are similar to marijuana, especially in the back of the mouth. It's kind of spicy, too, which is interesting. I wish the packaging would give more information as to what is in this tea, but in my opinion, it's decent. I'd prefer a cleaner mint-only tea, but if you're into that detox stuff, go for this tea. Personally, I think detox tea is a gimmick; if you want to detox, just buy a tea you enjoy drinking and have that for a day.

Other Notes
Today's album is Pressure Chief by Cake. I've heard it so many times, it's one of my favorite albums at this point. I like almost every song on the album, but my favorites are Wheels, Dime, and End of the Movie. There's a nice variety on there, and the lyrics are amazing. Listen to it sometime; I have since elementary school, I think.

Happy pride! I brought one of my unit members to the parade today since it was her first-ever pride, and it was pretty fun. We made a poster saying "I show up because of Loving v. Virginia + Obergefell v. Hodges" and a lot of people in the parade liked it; I got a few hugs from that. Compared to the last time I went, there's a lot less nude people out and about (probably because it was cold today) and a lot more drunk and high people, with others selling weed out in the open to anyone who had cash. We were going to go to the Civic Center for food, too, but the line at security was way too long; instead, we went to Plentea and walked all the way to Fisherman's Wharf to have lunch at Boudin and play games at the Musee Mechanique. Like most of my arcade days, there was a lot of air hockey. After that, we stopped at the Ferry Building for ice cream and headed home. Eventful day. There was a lot of walking.

Last night, I had a bad movie night with a friend– one who I had a crush on sophomore year. Funny story about that; when I was interested in dating her, I went to one of our mutual friends to help me out. After I spent a while getting nowhere (since I was pretty shy at the time and much more socially awkward than I am now), I ended up hitting it off with our mutual friend, since we found out we could have conversations for hours on end, and we ended up dating for almost a year instead. I'm sure I've talked about that relationship on this blog before. As for the bad movie night, it was fun; I cooked dinner for her and her brother, and we watched The Room and Shaolin Soccer (the latter being a pretty funny movie– I liked it). We cuddled a bit, and her parents told us to behave ourselves when they came home and went upstairs. I don't know what she thinks about me, but we did go on a mini-golfing date (technically) earlier this summer, and we're close and comfortable with each other since we've been friends for years. She's going to Canada for college, so I guess there's the pressure of making the time left this summer count (as with all of my other friends).

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