Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Review: Preferred Taiwan Mountain Tea - Guang Ying

Type: Oolong
Producer: Guang Ying
Origin: Taiwan
Brewing Parameters: 100°C, 3 min., gongfu style (recommended); using 6 g
Appearance: Small dark green, balled oolong with visible stems/twigs
Rating: A- | 91/100
# of Brews: 5

Tasting Notes and Thoughts
In all honesty, trying to find any information in English about these teas on the boxes is like an easter egg hunt. I got lucky with this one, since the brewing info was in English, but nothing else really was. With the name, appearance, and smell, I'm going to assume this is a high altitude oolong. Since there was no water volume listed on the packaging, I'm not going to follow the recommended 3 minute brewing time; I'm doing quick 10-30 second brews only.

Interestingly, the dry leaf smelled similar to jasmine flowers, although this tea is not flavored. Like most of the high altitude oolongs I've tried, the liquid had a smell that's somewhat creamy, grassy, and sweet; it's fragrant. As for the color, it's a clear light yellow that turned only a little bit greener as the drinking session went on. The flavor itself is surprisingly floral, a bit like rose (instead of jasmine, which is what the smell would lead you to believe). It's mostly sweet (slightly milky but not ridiculously sweet like a Jin Xuan) with a very dull sour taste that lingers in the mouth as an aftertaste. The texture is smooth with little astringency. Overall, I like this tea– I wish I knew exactly what cultivar it is so I could order more online, but oh well. Looks like there's more exploring to do.

Other Notes
Today's album is Acid Rap by Chance the Rapper. Fun album; favorite songs on this album are Juice and Cocoa Butter Kisses. I'm going to remember driving with my friends to get dinner, blasting this album, and singing along during my last week of finals.

Anyway, I started working out again and I am already sore (which is telling of something). I had a regular schedule a couple of weeks ago but stopped because school got busy, but now that it's summer, I have a lot of free time. My daily to-do list has usually just been this blog, exercising, cooking, cleaning, college stuff, driver's test prep, and reading. I'm trying to get out and do stuff with people at least once a day so I'm not stuck inside all day.

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