Thursday, July 27, 2017

Review: Calm Chamomile - Tazo

Type: Herbal/Tisane
Producer: Tazo
Origin: Unknown
Brewing Parameters: 100°C, 5 minutes, 8 fl. oz, 1 1.6g teabag (recommended)
Appearance: Bleached trapezoidal tea bag with a variety of herbs, including flower petals and grasses
Rating: B | 87/100
# of Brews: 1

Tasting Notes and Thoughts
Quick story about chamomile tea. While I was off exploring my obsession with tea, my ex only drank chamomile teas. I think that was her favorite, so I ended up calling her Cam as a nickname. It's dumb, but just something I remember from that time in my life. We started talking again, funny enough.

While she drinks a lot of chamomile, I don't at all. I don't know if it's just this tea, but I think it has a weird smell– the dry leaf is floral and sweet. The brewed tea is a very interesting color, a clear blend of olive drab green and golden yellow. It smells the same as the dry leaf, but the sweet aroma is a lot more prevalent. For some reason, it reminds me of the rooibos tea I've had a long time ago. Like you'd guess, the tea itself tastes incredibly floral. The chamomile is the main taste, lingers long after drinking, and permeates into the back of the nose. The closest flavor to this, I can think of, is any jasmine tea. It's slightly sweet, but as with most floral teas, there's a dull sourness or tanginess. Overall, it's surprisingly really good; I need to pick up more chamomile tea sometime.

Other Notes
Today's album is Forever by Mystery Skulls. I actually preordered this album on CD a long time ago; I've been a big fan of him after his first EP came out. Not much to be said– super catchy songs, great vocals. If you like electronic pop, check him out! All of his work is great.

I finally got my license today! Only 4 errors. It wasn't very eventful; we drove all the way to Vallejo, waited about an hour and a half, took the test, had brunch, and drove back home. At the DMV, a Filipino lady wanted me to tell her the course, which was a bit sketchy (and a very Filipino thing to do, heh). We got food at the Good Day Cafe, where I got french toast and my dad an omelette– it was really good and the service was great. We also saw the ferry terminal and walked through downtown Vallejo, which reminded me a lot of Sacramento. Oh, and we also almost got hit by a car that sped through a red at an intersection.

Yesterday, we had lunch with our AP Gov teacher at a Thai restaurant. It was nice; we talked about college, a lot about competition civics, and what's happened to us over the summer. To be honest, our government teacher felt a lot more like our coach than our actual competition civics coach (whom he called more of an advisor, which I agree with). I learned a lot in his class and spent a lot of time in his room. I'll miss it. Afterwards, we went to the mall and I bought my dad a jacket from Uniqlo for his birthday, and we got boba and went home. I haven't done that much work lately, which probably isn't that smart since I have an essay due Sunday and a testimony written for another competition civics summer session on Saturday.

Tomorrow, I go with my unitmate and Cal friend to the mall to hang out, play games at the arcade, and watch a movie. It's probably not the best thing to do with those deadlines looming over my head, but hell, it's summer and I want to have fun.

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