Monday, July 31, 2017

Review: Green Tea with Pomegranate - Bigelow

Type: Green
Producer: Bigelow
Origin: USA
Brewing Parameters: 3 minutes, 1 2.5g teabag (recommended)
Appearance: Bleached trapezoidal paper tea bag with green tea fannings and chunks of dried fruit and flower petals
Rating: B | 86/100
# of Brews: 1

Tasting Notes and Thoughts
This tea has a pretty good blend of ingredients: green tea, apple, hibiscus, pomegranate, rose, and a few other things. It's essentially just Bigelow's green tea (which I also have a teabag for) with extra ingredients, which I think it's pretty smart on the business end of things. As with most fruity teas, when brewed, the liquid tends to separate– the purple liquid/color of the pomegranate or apple settled at the bottom, as the rest of the tea turned a light grayish color. After brewing (and mixing it together by steeping the teabag), it became an opaque, orange-red color. The smell was sweet and fruity, with a slight hint of sticky rice in the background. As for the taste– it's less fruity than I'd expected, but still, it had a bit of sourness from the pomegranate. It's mostly mellow; I'd say that the slight grassy taste of the green comes out more than the pomegranate (unexpectedly). After the first sip, the pomegranate lingers on the tongue with the tart taste of the rosehip; it's smooth. Overall, not a bad tea at all. I'd like to try it iced.

Other Notes
Today's album is Oh Wonder's namesake debut album (Oh Wonder). If you've looked at the previous posts on this blog, I'm sure you can guess I'm into indie electronic pop. I found them through Youtube Music and I really like this album. It's a bit quiet and slow at times, but the songs are catchy and have great vocals.

As of today's review, I have tasted 199 teas and written about them on this blog. I guess in two days I'll have reached my goal, but I don't think I have any special teas to commemorate it. But, now, I either end the blog at 200 or keep going until my last day of summer on August 12. No matter how it ends, I do have a long post planned before I stop writing on this blog.

Anyway, yesterday, I mostly just went out shopping to buy college clothes and dorm stuff. I usually hate shopping– especially at the outlet mall near us, because there are so many people there and they can be dicks a lot of the time– but I'm pretty happy with what I got there.

Today, I went on a short hike with my Cal friend and my dog. Afterwards, we came back to my place and finished Over the Garden Wall (one of my favorite animated series; we watch it every Thanksgiving). I then gave the dog a bath and filled gas for the first time, which was interesting.

I also met up with one of my close friends– we took Japanese together– for the first time since school ended. We ate Korean fried chicken and picked up some art supplies for my grandma, and played video games at my place. Everytime I hang out with him, I'm more surprised at how similar we are. We've had a lot of the same experiences with girls, drugs, etc. and came to the same conclusions about them. He's attending community college but doesn't know what he wants to do in the future; once he chooses a major, I'm going to help him transfer to a university after two years. He's also dating a girl from Nevada and wants to move out and get his own place. I told him that if he ever needs a roommate for an apartment or something, I'm willing to help out if he decides to live in the North Bay. We planned to hang out a bit more before I move out, and I want to take him to football games at Cal, but I'm glad we connected again.

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