Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Review: Passion - Tazo

Type: Herbal/Tisane
Producer: Tazo
Origin: Unknown
Brewing Parameters: 100°C, 5 minutes, 8 fl. oz, 1 2.8g teabag (recommended)
Appearance: Bleached trapezoidal tea bag with small chunks of various spices, grasses, and herbs
Rating: C+ | 78/100
# of Brews: 1

Tasting Notes and Thoughts
I forgot the story where I got this tea bag, but I'm pretty sure I mentioned in one of the previous Tazo reviews. The liquid for this tea came out a very deep purple and red color, like a red wine or sangria. For some reason, most fruity tisanes have this color and tend to stain whatever they land on– in this case, I think it's because there's been fruit juice added to the tea. As for the smell, it's very fruity (pomegranate) that's somewhat soapy and sweet. The taste is a lot more sour than I expected. It's very tart, similar to lemon juice; but, like lemon juice, it becomes slightly sweet at the end of the drink. I can taste some citrus and grape flavors, along with the rose hip (most likely the source of the sour) and passionfruit. It's mostly smooth, but the sourness made my throat feel a little dry after drinking. This would be much more better as an iced tea, but it seems a bit one-dimensional and similar to some other fruity herbal teas, especially those by Tazo.

Other Notes
Today's album is the Pyre Original Soundtrack by Darren Korb. I've been a big fan of Supergiant Games, and although I haven't bought Pyre yet, I'm already loving this soundtrack. Bastion and Transistor were amazing too– the vocal tracks are some of the best songs I've heard in games yet. I'm planning to attend MAGWest to see Darren Korb live.

So, I got my phone repaired yesterday, walked in the morning with my Cal friend (gave her a teddy bear, too, for making some art for me), and had lunch with a girl I dated for one day in middle school. She's been my lab partner in science classes for the past two years, and after her sister passed from cancer (seriously– fuck cancer), she's been worried about school and her family. I haven't seen her for a while since my AP Biology teacher's funeral, but we've been snapchatting and texting each other throughout summer. She seems a lot happier now and I'm glad for that; she's heading off to UC Santa Cruz and I think she'll do great there. I promised her that we'll keep in touch and that I'll make sure she'll go to medical school. I also got my roommate assignment! It's the guy I roomed with during the Regent's overnight host program, which is pretty awesome (what are the chances?). He's a global studies major from LA, and seemed pretty chill when I met him. I feel like he's kind of needy– he asked for the right bed specifically– and is wealthy, considering he travels a lot, but I think we'll get along. Online, he's very nice, and in person, I thought he was kind of awkward/quiet but very chill. He's also very clean and neat, which is great.

Today has just been a work day. Just did the usual schedule– woke up, exercised, practiced handwriting, cooked, worked on this review, did summer class stuff, and so on. I hate staying indoors all the time, but it's hard when you have nothing else to do and all of your friends are out travelling. To be honest, I can see why drugs are such a big problem in my town and in suburban America in general; there's nothing to do unless you have a car and money. Tomorrow I'm having lunch with the unit, Cal friend, and one of our teachers, so that's exciting. I'm probably going to spend the rest of this day finishing homework and practicing driving.

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