Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Review: Teh Halia - Lipton

Type: Instant
Producer: Lipton
Origin: Indonesia
Brewing Parameters: 180 ml hot water, 85°C, 1 packet (recommended)
Appearance: Grey and brown powder
Rating: D+ | 68/100
# of Brews: 1

Tasting Notes and Thoughts
Same story as the last Lipton instant tea I have. Instant teas don't lend themselves well to in depth reviews, so this is going to be short.

This one differs from Teh Tarik in that it has ginger added, but other than that, it's essentially the same. After mixing the powder in, the tea was a milky brown (like you'd expect), without much of a smell. The taste, at first, is sweet and has the waxy texture of powdered creamer. After that, the tea flavor becomes very strong and bitter, similar to coffee or concentrated, overbrewed black tea. Once that is gone, you can taste the ginger, which imparts a spicy feeling in the mouth. It might just be because I'm using a small amount of water (the recommended amount), but I don't like this at all– it's way too bitter, but at the same time, tastes like watered down milk. Like Teh Tarik, I'd recommend trying this with milk and iced, which might be better, but alone and prepared the way on the package, it's not great.

Other Notes
Today's album is BOOMIVERSE by Big Boi. Interesting album– it came up on my recommended list since I listen to Killer Mike, and I was surprised at how different it is. I like Kill Jill because of how weird the combination is; vocaloid and rap could better together than I thought they would. The rest of the songs are great, too. It's a weird mix of genres, with some old-style hip hop in there, which is cool.

Since after last weekend, I've been taking it slow. Two days ago, I went to my unitmate's house with my Cal friend and we watched Titanic. Yesterday, my Cal friend came over in the morning to give me a book and we hung out for a while, and in the evening, I helped another one of my friends (from my childhood/guy friend group) pack his things into storage since he's moving. Today's his last day in town, and I'm coming back later today to help them finish up. I don't know if it's who I am, or if we've just drifted apart during high school, but I just don't feel that broken up about it. I feel like I should be nostalgic or sad or bittersweet about it. It reminds me of when my ex moved last summer. I think I'm just bad at goodbyes, and it kind of sucks.

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