Thursday, December 24, 2015

12 Days of Chris-Tea-Mas - Day 12: Azores Pekoe Black - What-Cha

Azores Pekoe Black - What-Cha
Type: Black (unflavored)
Appearance (dry): Thin, long, dark black/brown rolled leaves with a few twigs.
Recommended Brewing Parameters: 95°C, 1-2 tsps, 2-3 min.
Rating: B+ | 89/100
# of Brews: 6

Tasting Notes:
Last day! I'll probably write a reflection on this tomorrow or the day after. Anyway, even though this is a black tea, I'll be brewing this gongfu style. Today's album is Folie a Deux by Fall Out Boy.

Oddly enough, I think yesterday's oolong tasted more like a black tea (in terms of English breakfast or basic teas like that) than this one. The aroma of this was very smoky, woody, and malty, with the liquid a dark brown amber color. The flavor was actually pretty similar to the smell and surprisingly sour (but again, not as sour as the Australian Sencha), with the wood and smoke notes as the forefront. For some reason (probably the tanginess), I thought it was a bit similar to grapefruit (like the sports drink, Pocari Sweat) or lemon juice. As the brews went on, this fruity flavor became much more prevalent, losing the smoky taste. This tea was one of the shortest lived ones I've had, losing the majority of its flavor at around 4 brews. Overall, I enjoyed it very much, but I think I preferred the oolong from yesterday more. After this tea, I think I actually prefer some black teas brewed gongfu style rather than western style because it gives a much more wide flavor profile and gives the tea a bit more depth.  

Misc. Notes:
Merry Christmas! I hope you all have a wonderful day. Because it's Christmas Eve, I'll be doing stuff with my family, and as such I'll give the update and reflection tomorrow. Thanks!

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