Sunday, December 20, 2015

12 Days of Chris-Tea-Mas - Day 8: China Fujian Jasmine 'Phoenix Eye' - What-Cha

China Fujian Jasmine 'Phoenix Eye' - What-Cha
Type: Green (flavored)
Appearance (dry): Large pearls (.2 g each), dark green with white streaks
Recommended Brewing Parameters: 80°C, 1 tsp, 2-3 min
Rating: A- | 92/100
# of Brews: 11

Tasting Notes:
I'm actually surprised myself on how much green tea I've been drinking; for some reason, I've always felt that I drink way more oolong or black tea, despite the fact that I enjoy a good sencha quite a lot. Regardless, it's always good to try a variety of different types of tea to expand the flavors you've tried. Like yesterday, I'm going to be writing this review after I'm done drinking (I think I prefer doing it that way, since tea with food is pretty damn good). Today's album is XX by the XX.

So, I ended up picking up a sampler of this tea last minute for free shipping, and I don't think I regret it. The leaves/pearls are huge, the smell is amazing (I think jasmine is growing on me), and the flavoring lasts for an absurdly long time. The liquid was mainly a golden orange color with a strong jasmine aroma, only getting darker as time went on. The flavor didn't really change much throughout the entire drinking session; at the forefront were the sweet and floral jasmine notes, and at the end were some short, sour, vegetal (grassy?) notes. As brews went on, the tea became less and less bitter (I will note that this tea is very forgiving in terms of brewing; I used near-boiling water and it still tasting pretty good), and more and more sweet and sour. The texture was smooth for the most part, but by the time I finished, the tea felt like it coated my mouth (which stayed long after drinking). I ended up stopping at a surprising 11 brews today, and it looked like the tea (including the jasmine flavor) could go for a lot more brews. Overall, I liked this tea very much; in my opinion, it's on par with the jasmine oolong from Tea Ave (although I think I like the oolong more because of its creaminess, this one is very enjoyable also).

Misc. Notes:
Update on yesterday! I finished up my science fair application, got a haircut (it's eh), bought groceries, and watched a few movies- Oldboy (surprised at how good this was) and Little Witch Academia: Enchanted Parade (oh no I'm getting back into anime). Not really any plans today other than more grocery shopping since my asthma has been acting up and it's been getting cold and rainy outside (for California standards). I'll probably figure something out, though (if I remember, I'll try to make a plan or something for break and put it in the next review).

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