Saturday, December 19, 2015

12 Days of Chris-Tea-Mas - Day 7: Vietnam 'Dragon Cloud' - What-Cha

Vietnam 'Dragon Cloud' - What-Cha
Type: Green (unflavored)
Appearance (dry): Small to medium length rolled (pan fried?), basil green leaves
Recommended Brewing Parameters: 75°C, 1-2 tsp, 10-20 sec
Rating: B | 86/100
# of Brews: 6

Tasting Notes:
Again, like Four Seasons, I've already tried this tea before, and so I'll be doing this review after my drinking session (unlike the other teas, so expect this one to be not as detailed). Today's album is Lumine [GST-04] by bansheebeat.

Anyway, this was a pretty decent tea. I ended up having to do flash brews to keep it from getting bitter (essentially, fill the gaiwan with water and immediately pour it off). The liquid was a nice yellow-green (more on the green side), but not as bright as other green teas. There was a strong umami flavor with grass and seaweed notes, and the aftertaste was a slightly sour taste, similar to the Australian Sencha (but not as strong or lasting as long). Over some brews it became a bit sweet, but I didn't really notice the mint flavor other people have noticed. I ended up stopping at 6 brews because I ran out of water and it was beginning to lose its flavor. Overall, I thought it was an enjoyable green tea– it went great with my breakfast of milkfish, cereal, and yogurt– but I will admit it is a bit standard for a green tea (I think I preferred the Australian Sencha over this).

Misc. Notes:
Slow day today. My plans for today are mostly just to watch movies (Star Wars maybe?), play some video games, do this review, get a haircut, read/do homework (if I have any), and finish my science fair application (just a risk assessment form that's due tomorrow). I might also start those internship applications, but hey, it's the first day of break and I should try to relax. Have a nice day! 

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