Thursday, December 17, 2015

12 Days of Chris-Tea-Mas - Day 5: Four Seasons - What-Cha

Four Seasons - What-Cha
Type: Oolong (unflavored)
Appearance (dry): Large, dark yellow-green balled oolong
Recommended Brewing Parameters: 80°C, 1 tsp, 1-2 min
Rating: B+ | 89/100
# of Brews: 6

Tasting Notes:
So, I've actually already tried this tea before; it was one of the first teas I tried when my package from What-Cha came in. It was good, but I don't think I really paid that much attention at the time (which is what this review is for!). Today's album is Sunglasses & Solar Flares by the Y Axes.

From the first brew, the liquid was a clear, light yellow with an aroma similar to a roasted oolong (Tie guan yin?) and the sticky rice tea I've had before. The flavor was very smooth, with a very prevalent buttery, caramel taste. It was sweet, but not as sweet or creamy as other teas such as Jin Xuan (both flavored and unflavored). It did slightly dry my throat, and the buttery flavor lingered in my mouth as an aftertaste. Over brews, the color and aroma barely changed, only becoming very slightly darker. The flavor, on the other hand, became more sweet, but the aftertaste had gained a vegetal/grassy, slightly tangy note. The rice– possibly the sticky rice– also was much more noticeable in both the flavor and aftertaste. I ended up stopping at 6 brews because I'm feeling a bit tired (staying up late for the last week is catching up with me), but it looks like the leaves haven't actually fully unfurled, meaning that this tea could go for a large number of brews. Overall, I like this tea because it's a nice in between an unroasted and roasted oolong, with a sweet finish; however, like some of the other teas I've tried this project, it doesn't really have a taste that pops out at me.

Misc. Notes:
Woohoo! I'm finally done with all of my tests before winter break, and I think I did pretty well on them since they were mostly easy. I don't think I'll be writing much today, though, since I'm super tired and am kinda spacing out while writing this whole review. Sorry! Tomorrow will be better though, since school ends at 12:40. 

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