Saturday, February 7, 2015

Day 14: Sencha "Ukiyo Ippun Gorin"

Brand: Lupicia
Type: Green
Brew Time & Temperature: 1 minute 30 seconds, 75-100 degrees C
Leaf Appearance: Green and yellow fannings and dust; the large pieces look like blades of grass
Color: Light yellow-green
Smell: Roasted and nutty; similar to a houjicha, but not as strong. Earthy too, with a little bit of fishiness.
Recommended with/as: As is
Rating: 8.5/10

Tasting notes and thoughts:
For some reason, the tea leaves smelled roasted, somewhat like houjicha (but not as strong), rather than the usual strong fishy or grassy smell green teas usually have. Since I used more than the recommended amount of water, I had to brew the tea for 30 more seconds than recommended- as stated before, since I am using tea bags, my green tea reviews (and possibly my oolong reviews) may not be as accurate as they should be.

As for the taste, it has a somewhat salty taste (a bit like the ocean), with grassy undertones and a nutty aftertaste. There is little astringency, but it does leave the mouth a bit dry after drinking. A more of a savory green tea- I recommend it. If I can get my hands on the loose leaf (it looks like its only sold in Japan), I'll do a proper review in the future.

Other notes:
Valentine's day is coming up and man,I have no idea what to do. My friend recommended that I ask her out before then so I can do something with her (and it won't be too cliched) but I don't know. I know she likes me back (I can't say why because of reasons), so I have that sort of going for me. I'm thinking of maybe doing stuff with her that weekend and seeing where that goes, but setting that up is gonna be hard.

Anyway, I'm thinking of adding a new section to the top description- (Fancy) Words to Describe This Tea. I might, but I'll need to increase my tasting vocabulary first. If you can't tell, I usually spend a time before each review looking up words to describe teas or wines (heh).

Next on the 100 Days of Tea: Sencha "Nara"

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