Thursday, February 12, 2015

Day 19: Kamairicha "Gokase"

Brand: Lupicia
Type: Green
Brew Time & Temperature: 2 minutes, 85-90 degrees C
Leaf Appearance: Dark green, small, curled/rolled leaves (their appearance makes it obvious that they're fried, rather than steamed)
Color: Light yellow-green
Smell: Still can't smell (uuughh), but I have the loose leaf of this tea so I can do that later
Recommended with/as: As is
Rating: 7.5/10

Tasting notes and thoughts:
Compared to the other green teas I've had so far, this one is not as grassy or fishy. Instead, it tastes sweet with a slightly sour aftertaste. There is a little bit of astringency, but overall the taste is not too overpowering and not too weak. Personally, I'd prefer a nice shincha to this (since it tastes kind of average in terms of green tea as a whole).

Other notes:
Oh man, Darjeeling tomorrow! Hopefully my senses come back by then, because I am really looking forward to that tea. As for my sick, I'm still coughing a bit and my nose is still stuffed. Getting better, though! As for school, I got a WWI test (one of my favorite wars!), AP biology essay (biotech and that's pretty easy), I have to start to repair an aquarium (turns out that carrying an aquarium filled with water and rocks can crack the glass on the bottom because structural integrity and all that jazz), and COOKING CURRY RICE WOO.

Next on the 100 Days of Tea: Darjeeling the Autumnal

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