Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Day 32: Silonibari BPS (CTC)

Brand: Lupicia
Type: Black
Brew Time & Temperature: 1 minute 30 seconds, boiling
Leaf Appearance: Dark brown CTC black tea (I have no idea how to explain the differences between CTC teas, since they all look relatively the same to me)
Color: Golden orange
Smell: Smoky and earthy- the usual smell of Indian black teas- with a bit of sweetness that makes it less harsh
Recommended with/as: As is, milk, honey, sugar
Rating: 9/10

Tasting notes and thoughts:
Unlike most Indian black teas, I actually like this both with and without milk (I usually have them only with milk).  It's smooth with little astringency, and with its taste, I think you could brew this for much longer than the recommended time and it won't become too bad. The smell is great and the color is surprisingly lighter than I expected it to be, especially since its a CTC tea. The words I'd use to describe this tea are earthy, creamy, and sweet (it's also malty, but I haven't really drank enough beer to know if I'm using the word correctly)- which is different from most of the Indian teas I've had. Overall, I really like it, and it made late night studying much better. I would suggest it as an everyday tea, with milk, and with honey (it's fine either way, however).

Other notes:
Holy crap, this is the latest I've written a review so far (11:45!). Homework took a really long time today (math, ugh), and I had to sanitize a bunch of science fair equipment since we're resetting the experiment tomorrow/Monday. Also, I had too much fun playing piano, which is weird for me.

My piano practice schedule has jumped from 15 minutes to 45, just because I found the sheet music of one of my favorite pieces: Schroeder's Failure (from the Darwinia OST). Someone finally made it after 9 years, and it is super fun to play. I started last night, and I can already play the first page which is surprising considering how long it usually takes me to learn a piece. If I can get to the end of the second page by the end of the week, I think I might actually try to convince my piano teacher to let me play this for my recital.

In another news, I've started making the video for the Earth Day scholarship thing. It's probably going to just be me talking about the importance of the experiment and what I personally think about Earth Day, with clips of us setting up Trial 3. I have 72 hours to make it, which is going to be interesting since I only have Windows Movie Maker to edit with (and I have little experience using it).

Next on the 100 Days of Tea: Piccolo

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