Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Day 25: Sencha 'Uji'

Brand: Lupicia
Type: Green
Brew Time & Temperature: 2 minutes 45 seconds, 70-75 degrees C
Leaf Appearance: Thin, rolled, dark green leaves of varying lengths- they are somewhat needlelike
Color: Light green
Smell: Grassy and vegetal
Recommended with/as: As is
Rating: 9/10

Tasting notes and thoughts:
A couple months ago, I actually gave 50g of this tea earlier before to my AP Bio teacher for Christmas and a tea cleanse without tasting it before- the Lupicia near me doesn't really have a good green tea selection, and I really like the appearance of these tea leaves.

Anyway, I really like this sencha! It starts off with a very light sweetness and grassiness, but quickly turns into a brothy, savory tea. It finishes with tart or somewhat sour notes. I don't know if it was the temperature I brewed the tea at (I had to guess the temperature) or if its just the tea, but there was a bit of astringency that left my tongue and throat dry after drinking. However, it's not bitter at all, and was very pleasant to drink. The price is a little bit on the high side (online, it's $13, but its a bit cheaper in the stores), so I'm not sure if I would drink this tea often. Overall, however, I recommend it very much.

Other notes:
Woo, 1/4th of the way done with the Book of Tea and almost done with the first month!

In other notes, apparently I'm sick again. Went to the doc since my lymph nodes started swelling, and (if, hopefully not) they get infected, I'll start having fevers and all of that jazz again. Woooo. Also, for the teas in Week 3- they'll be occurring on random days when I feel like it, or I'll just add them on at the end of this project (Day 100 + 1-3, or something like that).

Next on the 100 Days of Tea: Menghai Puer

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