Saturday, February 21, 2015

Day 28: Caramele

Brand: Lupicia
Type: Flavored Black
Brew Time & Temperature: 3 minutes, boiling
Leaf Appearance: Small black leaves with bits of almond and yellow flower petals added
Color: Amber/medium brown
Smell: Light, baked caramel smell mixed with almonds; its very sweet
Recommended with/as: As is, milk, honey, sugar
Rating: 8/10

Tasting notes and thoughts:
Man, this tea smells great. The smell is very similar to Lupicia's cookie tea (one of my favorites), and doesn't smell artificial at all. On its own, the taste is not as strong as the cookie tea, but still pleasing nonetheless. The caramel flavor is strong and is complemented by the almond very well. The tea base adds a bit of earthiness to the tea, but isn't too noticeable. I prefer this tea with honey and milk, since the sweetness of the honey brings out the taste of the caramel and the milk mellows the entire tea. Overall, it's a very nice, smooth tea that has a sweet taste that isn't too overwhelming. However, Lupicia has better teas that are similar in taste, so I wouldn't recommend this too much (I like it though!).

Other notes:
Welp, I'm now technically done with the first month because 4 weeks (if you're going by the calendar, however, I'll be done with the first month end of next week). To be honest, I'm surprised I've  stuck to this project for this long, and I'm actually pretty proud of myself. I'd say I've improved in identifying tastes (since I've read over some of my reviews, compared them to other people's reviews, and we've said similar things), but I'm not sure about my writing yet. Sorry if it's a bit boring right now (both the reviews and my life), but I'm trying.

Other than that, there's nothing much other than life becoming increasingly shitty these past few days (and its not just because of the girl thing). I won't go too much in depth about it since one of my life rules is "no matter how bad it is, someone somewhere has it worse than you, so just accept it and move on". It's kind of stupid, I know, but it helps.

Next on the 100 Days of Tea: Tsugaru Green

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