Thursday, February 19, 2015

Day 26: Menghai Puer

Brand: Lupicia
Type: Pu-erh
Brew Time & Temperature: 2 minutes, boiling
Leaf Appearance: Curled dark brown and gray leaves of medium to large size; there are a few twigs but not many
Color: Dark rose, mixed with a bit of orange
Smell: Very earthy and fishy, with very light floral notes; it reminds me a bit of the smell of sushi or seaweed
Recommended with/as: As is
Rating: 8/10

Tasting notes and thoughts:
First off, let it be noted that this is the first time ever that I've had unflavored pu-erh. I've tried flavored pu-erh with chocolate and strawberries and I liked that well enough, but to be honest, once I smelled this tea I was kind of put off. The smell is super strong and a bit intoxicating, even though I only used a tea bag and a large amount of water (1-1.5 liters).

As for the taste, it surprisingly did not taste as strong as the smell. However, I found the taste pleasant, in a way. There is a distinct muskiness and smokiness to it, with a very strong salt taste (which isn't bad- it's more like ocean air). It has earthy undertones, and it finishes with a somewhat mellow aftertaste. There isn't much astringency either. Overall, I thought it was good (the flavor surprised me), but I think I need to try more raw pu-erh before I give this one a proper score.

Other notes:
To be honest, I have no idea what I will do for tomorrow. This will be the first time I'll be making chai (there's instructions on the back of the tea bag, though), so I don't know if it'll turn out good or not. I'll probably make a regular pot and use that to make the chai, rather than doing the recommended microwave way. We'll see, I guess.

As for school, there's nothing much other than tests. I've been getting scores lower than I would like recently, so I need to start working on that.

Next on the 100 Days of Tea: Chai Bag Ginger

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