Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Day 46: Kikeriki!

Brand: Lupicia
Type: Herbal (Lemongrass and peppermint)
Brew Time & Temperature: 4 minutes, boiling
Leaf Appearance: Large light green leaves (grass-shaped; it's the lemongrass) and broken up regular leaves (probably the peppermint); there are some pieces of dried fruit added
Color: Very bright yellow (closer to arylide yellow from what I can see); clear
Smell: Mainly citrus; to be honest, there isn't really any smell at all, or at least it isn't very strong
Recommended with/as: As is, iced
Rating: 7/10

Tasting notes and thoughts:
Well, it's almost midnight so I'll rush through this review (11:40 is when I'm starting).

It may have been the tea or the way I brewed it (the latter is more likely), but I found it to be a bit weak. The taste is citrus, mainly lemons, with a light mint taste. I guess it tastes like the herbs its made out of, but there isn't much else. I don't think there's flavoring added either (which may be a positive or a negative depending on how you see it). It's not astringent (probably because its a tisane), but makes the throat a tiny bit dry and is a little bit bitter. I can see this as a good iced tea because of its citrus taste, but there isn't much that sets this tea apart from others. You could actually probably make this on your own for much cheaper (because man, $7.50 for 50g of some garden herbs is actually kind of a rip off).

Other notes:
So, today was interesting, to say the least. I went to bed at 1 AM, woke up at 3 because somehow a bowl of water spilled all over my bed + papers, stayed up until 4 drying them with a blow dryer, went back to sleep, and then woke up at 7. The school day for the most part was uneventful, but I think I did okay on my history test and English speech. On the test, there were a surprising amount of questions on Fascist Italy (which I spent the least amount of time studying) and I couldn't focus because I was stressing out for my speech the next period. However, I do think I did relatively decently- I'm only hoping for a B this time since the timing of the test/speech/everything was terrible. In English, the speech went worse than I hoped since my partner wanted to change a bunch of stuff last minute and I stuttered more than I wanted to, but on the rubric we got a mix of 3s and 4s (which is decent, but I think we didn't deserve it). It's only 50 points so I'm not too worried, since I think the collaborative essay, which is 300 points, was actually pretty good.

Anyway, I think I'm finally done with sleeping at 1 or 2 AM since almost all of the big things are done now (AP Bio tests, history unit test, english speech, etc.); however, the science fair is still next week and the report is still going slower than expected because my partners aren't helping me with writing, and we still have a project board to make. But, I'm still relieved all of the big things for school are done for now, and when I got home today, I took a huge nap for 4 hours. Hopefully my grades don't drop down too much after this though, because the quarter ends right after (?) spring break in 2-3 weeks.

Next on the 100 Days of Tea: Ume Vert

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