Friday, March 13, 2015

Day 48: Keemun Special Grade

Brand: Lupicia
Type: Black
Brew Time & Temperature: 3 minutes, boiling
Leaf Appearance: Small (not fannings), black leaves; they are curled and thin, and look somewhat like pan-fried green tea leaves
Color: Light amber; clear with a light oily film on top
Smell: I cannot smell at all today- see other notes
Recommended with/as: As is, sweetener
Rating: 8.5/10

Tasting notes and thoughts:
So, I'm sick again (see below for details) so this review will probably be sub-par. I also tried Vanilla again- I don't know if it was the milk or water I used, but it did not taste good at all. There was a very strong sour taste which did not mix well with the vanilla smell and semi-sweet taste. Like I said before, if you like vanilla, go for it, but I just can't get over how strong the smell is.

As for today's tea, I tried using less water than I usually do, and I think it worked. The tea has a strong tart aftertaste, with a bit of earthiness. There is a bit of a floral taste, but I don't feel the sweetness or fruitiness that some other people say they notice. There is a tiny bit of a raisin taste, however. Surprisingly, there isn't the astringency/dryness that I've been tasting in the past few days, and it's actually very smooth. It's a nice, mellow black tea without the strength that I expected. For my first unflavored keemun, I think it's a pretty good tea.

Other notes:
Damn, it turns out I am sick for sure now. My nose is either stuffy or runny all day, and I have a pretty bad sore throat. It's not as bad as my sick last time, but it's not fun either. I think this is the first time I've been sick twice in less than 3 months in a few years, actually. I'm guessing its either because of my lack of sleep lately (only 5 hours than my usual 7?) or my diet (been skipping breakfast/lunch and eating a ton of random snacks instead of actually cooking because of no time). Man, I was looking forward to tomorrow's tea too.

In other news, the science fair abstract is due tomorrow. Since it's only 250 words and a summary of everything, I'm going to start it today and spend most of tomorrow revising it. I'm hoping that my lab group will help me, but I'm doubting it.

Next on the 100 Days of Tea: Mountain Grape Oolong

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