Thursday, March 26, 2015

Day 61: Apple and Berry

Brand: Lupicia
Type: Flavored Green
Brew Time & Temperature: 2 minutes, boiling
Leaf Appearance: Medium-small, (relatively) light green tea leaves with chunks of dried apple, and bright red flower petals (?)
Color: Bright yellow-green or golden; clear
Smell: Fruity (guess like what fruit it smells like- that's right, it's mostly apples) and floral
Recommended with/as: As is, sweetener
Rating: 6.5/10

Tasting notes and thoughts:
Well, this tea was surprisingly disappointing. While it does smell nice, there is very little taste. While drinking it, I could really only taste a very strong sweetness- it wasn't fruity or anything, but it was just sweet. This sweetness, combined with a very weak berry taste, made it taste somewhat like sugar water mixed with a drop of raspberry juice. As for the apple, I could only notice it in the aftertaste, where it lingered long after drinking. It also made my throat feel a bit irritated after drinking, and my mouth feel very dry. It's a good flavor combination on paper, but it just isn't blended well in this tea (tastes too artificial and weak, and the tea base is of admittedly low quality). If you want a good apple tea, get Tsugaru Green- I think it's much more flavorful than this one.

Other notes:
Well, today has been pretty shitty. I didn't finish the math test even though I knew how to do all of the problems, mostly because the long division/multiplication took all of my time. What's even worse is that the other classes could use calculators (not us), and the guy next to me (the one that kept taking my paper) used his calculator on the whole test. Then, in English, I said something super stupid in front of the whole class (in short, there's a reason why I don't take art). I know it's dumb to be worrying about this crap (to the point where I'm about to physically throw up), but knowing that makes me feel worse because really, the only thing that I have is my grades (science fair is done and we can't continue until we have funding, fencing club hasn't met in the past few weeks, just pretty much all of my extracurriculars are on hold now). It doesn't help that I was up until 2 AM last night studying for the test. It's just that everyone has had super high expectations for me since elementary school, and I feel like if I don't reach their standards, I'm going to be a failure.

Anyway, this is a great way to start spring break, huh? I guess it's not so bad though, since I know I'll probably get over it after a while and that this is a terrible reason to hate myself, especially since some of my friends are having a crappier day than me. Also, thanks to my friend, I now have another life rule:

While you do need help from others for many things in life, you will also encounter many obstacles you will have to figure out on your own, and in doing so, will make the experience all the more meaningful.

Next on the 100 Days of Tea: Tokio

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