Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Day 60: Ginger Tea

Brand: Lupicia
Type: Blend (Black and Herbal)
Brew Time & Temperature: 3 minutes, boiling
Leaf Appearance: Small CTC black tea with relatively large chunks of dried ginger
Color: Dark copper/very dark red; clear (but so dark that it's hard to see through)
Smell: Mainly ginger and its spice, with the earthy and caramel notes of the black tea (assam)
Recommended with/as: As is, milk (?), sweetener
Rating: 8/10

Tasting notes and thoughts:
Well, this tea isn't what I expected. Even though the smell of the ginger overpowers the tea base, you can barely taste it in the tea. Mainly however, it tastes like an assam- earthy, malty, and a little bit creamy. I can sort of notice the ginger (mainly its spice/kick), but it's overwhelmed by the taste of the tea base. Overall, its smooth, very strong, and would make for a nice breakfast tea. However, it's a bit basic (it's literally just black tea with chunks of ginger added, nothing else); personally, I would just go with a plain assam instead. It did make for a good studying tea though!

Lupicia suggested the tea with milk, but since I used all of my milk yesterday for the latte, I couldn't try it. However, I imagine it would be better with milk because of the strong black tea taste, and it might actually bring out the taste of the ginger a little bit more.

Other notes:
Oh hey, 60 days in and I officially finished one of the 9 boxes! (If you didn't know, the book of tea is split up into 9 boxes, each with 11/12 tea bags each. The reason why this happened so late into the project is that I've been using a randomizer and picking a tea from a random box each day).

Other than that, nothing much today other than my grade for math might actually be salvaged! We got our grades from the last tests (not the one from yesterday), and I got a 92.5 and 95, so now my quarter grade is 92%. As long as I don't screw up the test tomorrow, I should be golden. I'll just leave it at that, since I have to go study for that test (I think this is actually the first time I've had a pretty good study schedule going for math for the past few days- about an hour or 2 each day, with problems from 2 different textbooks, timed).

Next on the 100 Days of Tea: Apple and Berry

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