Monday, March 16, 2015

Day 51: The Au Chocolat

Brand: Lupicia
Type: Flavored Black
Brew Time & Temperature: 3 minutes, boiling
Leaf Appearance: Dark brown, broken up leaves with cocoa nibs added
Color: Dark copper; clear, with a light oily film on top
Smell: Strong cocoa smell (the actual beans, not something like hot cocoa- its not sweet)
Recommended with/as: As is, milk, sweetener
Rating: 8/10

Tasting notes and thoughts:
So, I'm still sick and my taste and smell aren't what they used to be yet, but since I've already had this tea before (and it's actually pretty good!), I think I'll be fine for this review. The color is dark and the smell is very strong, but surprisingly, it doesn't taste as intense as you would expect. It does taste very much like chocolate without the sweetness; its like a strong dark chocolate, but without the bitterness. In fact, it's actually very smooth with little astringency, and mixes well with the tea base. Personally, I'm a big chocolate fan and I could drink this often, but I'd prefer if it had more to offer than only chocolate (there isn't very much else I can taste, really). However, it's great mixed with other teas. If you ever get Cookie tea from Lupicia (one of my favorites), mix it with this and you get an awesome chocolate caramel cookie flavor. Try it with milk and honey!

Other notes:
Ugh, I have no idea why, but by the time I started writing this review, I got super anxious. Like, to the point that I felt like I was about to throw up. Caffeine on an empty stomach didn't help either. It's not because I'm still sick (I still am though), but I think it's because I think I realized that I did absolutely nothing today. School went okay, but when I got home, I ended up taking a nap because the sick made me feel like shit. Then, I was late to piano practice because my mom was on the phone, and at practice, I screwed up big time. When I got home after that, I just did math homework (and didn't even finish, it's due on wednesday though), and that's absolutely it. I was waiting for my lab partners to help edit the report but, like usual, they came on super late and didn't help much (one of them did rewrite one of my sections, though. Thanks!). I wanted to work more on the science fair and English projects, but I just completely blanked out on ideas for writing and just got frustrated. It doesn't help that my asthma's been acting up lately, and I've barely been able to breathe all day.

In other news, tomorrow, I have the first of my high school exit exams, my sister is coming home from college for a bit, and my Ikiru DVD and Stereo Alchemy CDs come in the mail. Hopefully I actually get something done by then.

Next on the 100 Days of Tea: Decaf Momo

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