Sunday, March 15, 2015

Day 50: La Belle Epoque

Brand: Lupicia
Type: Black blend (Darjeeling and a mix of black tea)
Brew Time & Temperature: 3 minutes, boiling
Leaf Appearance: Curled black tea (somewhat large leaves; might be the darjeeling), with broken up pieces of dark green leaves and what I think is CTC Assam
Color: Dark copper; clear
Smell: Guess what? I'm still sick so no smell still
Recommended with/as: As is, milk, sweetener
Rating: 7.5/10

Tasting notes and thoughts:
Well, that horrid taste I tasted yesterday is still there, but is less strong than it is before (so I think it's my sick that's doing that, since I used the same water as yesterday). I still have a stuffy nose though and coughing a tiny bit, but I guess it's still better than yesterday.

Anyway, this tea is actually stronger than I expected (I'm used to darjeeling being somewhat light, but I guess when its combined with other black tea it's very strong). There's a very strong earthy and wood taste, with very dark chocolate notes. There's a bit of that spice that's characteristic of darjeeling, but it's not that noticeable compared to the other flavors. The aftertaste is a tiny bit bitter, but it doesn't leave the dry feeling in your mouth and throat (so I'm guessing that's not the astringency). Despite the bitterness, it still goes down pretty smooth. Overall, I'd say its good as a breakfast tea (it's actually really good with milk/sweetener), but I don't really like the bitterness. I'm not sure if its the actual tea or the way I brewed it, but if its the latter, I'd say the tea would be much more enjoyable (don't brew too long, kids).

Other notes:
Oh man, half way through the 100 Days of Tea (I'm surprised I haven't taken any breaks, even when I'm sick)! To be honest, more than once I've considered stopping because it was either too late (11 PM is not a good time to be drinking a super strong black tea) or I just couldn't taste because sick. Anyway, cheers to this not ending terribly!

In other news, I spent 5 straight hours (4 PM to now, 9 PM) working on that lab report for the science fair. I'm actually pretty proud of it since I did it all on my own (guess why) and can now make graphs in excel super quick. So now, I just have to put together a board and make it look pretty before Friday, and we'll be golden for the fair. I'm hoping that I don't have much homework though (and there probably won't be much because of exit exams this week) so I can get that done and an English project. Wooo!

Next on the 100 Days of Tea: The Au Chocolat

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