Saturday, April 4, 2015

Day 70: Cinnamon

Brand: Lupicia
Type: Flavored Black
Brew Time & Temperature: 3 minutes, boiling
Leaf Appearance: Medium-large, semi-rolled black leaves with small chunks of cinnamon bark added
Color: Sort of a dark orange/bronze; clear (surprisingly, it's not opaque like previous teas)
Smell: Mainly the spice of the cinnamon, with the earthiness of the black tea base
Recommended with/as: As is, milk, sweetener
Rating: 7.5/10

Tasting notes and thoughts:
Ugh, when I smelled the dry version of the leaf, I instantly did not like it (it's just like Red Hots or Hot Tamales, candies which I hate). Also, I'm doing this review at 11:30, so it's going to be quick. On to the review!

Brewing it did not help get rid of the smell I dread so much (however, it did bring out more the black tea smell, which I liked). The taste was, well, what I expected. It's very spicy the moment it touches the tongue, (that cinnamon gives it a really, really strong kick), but doesn't linger for very long. Rather, the taste of the tea base remains, leaving a strong earthiness as an aftertaste. Other than the very strong spice at the beginning, it's actually a really smooth tea. It certainly is cinnamon though, and I say if you're into cinnamon (I am not), you'd like this. I wasn't able to drink it with milk or sweetener because of the rush review, but I think that I would enjoy it much more. I'm giving it a 7.5 since I don't like the flavor, but I'd say the quality makes it taste around an 8.

Other notes:
Holy crap, I weighed myself for the first time in about a month or 2, and I gained almost 10 pounds (107 to 115). I guess it makes sense since I've been eating a ton of sugary snacks and barely exercising and shit, but damn, 10 pounds. It's time to start eating less crap now and counting calories! Let's see if I can drop this weight (or at least some of it) by the end of the project.

Next on the 100 Days of Tea: Ginger & Lemon Myrtle

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