Friday, April 17, 2015

Day 83: Sencha 'Tosa'

Brand: Lupicia
Type: Green
Brew Time & Temperature: Tried using the gaiwan today, since I need practice with brewing greens
Leaf Appearance: Medium-sized dark green leaves, grass-like
Color: Very bright yellow, clear
Smell: Vegetal, seaweed, a tiny bit sweet
Recommended with/as: As is
Rating: 8/10

Tasting notes and thoughts:
So, lately I've been trying to brew greens in gaiwans. As of this review, I've tried it with Sencha Tanegashima and this, and I'd say it's been decent (could be better). So, take this review with a grain of salt since I may have used too much leaf, brewed too long, too hot, etc.

Anyway, to the review! For most of the brews, it was a bit bitter but I think that may have just been the amount of leaf (I just used all the leaves in tea bag). At first taste, it was brothy and savory, and eventually became slightly sweeter by the end. The after taste is a little bit sour, with a little bit of seaweed. It also had a bit of astringency, making both my mouth and throat dry, but not so much that it tasted terrible. However, it did get a bit sweeter over time, and also more green and less yellow (it helped that I lowered the brew time after the first few brews). Overall, it's a decent green tea that may have been worsened by my terrible brewing (heh). I have had better green tea, though. I think I got about 8-10 brews out of it before it got too weak.

Other notes:
Damn it, I'm pretty sure I dislocated my arm or at least hurt the joint/ligaments pretty bad. I was throwing some stuff and since my arm can pop out of the joint (I don't know why, it's just been that way since elementary school), it came out in the middle of throw and twisted in a really bad way. I'm gonna wait until tomorrow to see if it gets better, but it's been hurting all day as bad as it did when I screwed up that throw.

Other than that, today was also pretty decent. I turned in the project, did a test on To Kill a Mockingbird (which went decently, but a part of it was super hard because it was vague), and then after school cooked fried rice and made chai tea with my friend. We just ended up watching anime (Danmachi) while eating, and I was reminded why I hate watching fanservice-y anime alone (the only exceptions are Kill la Kill and maybe TTGL). I can't wait for monday though, since I'm going to Japantown with a bunch of my friends for a field trip!

Next on the 100 Days of Tea: Chai Bag Cardamon & Pepper

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