Monday, April 13, 2015

Day 79: Fantasy

Brand: Lupicia
Type: Flavored Black
Brew Time & Temperature: 3 minutes, boiling
Leaf Appearance: Small black leaves with long, rolled yellow fllower petals
Color: Dark copper; clear
Smell: Sweet berries and honey (as it says in the description)
Recommended with/as: As is, milk, sweetener
Rating: 7.5/10

Tasting notes and thoughts:
Gonna do this review quick since I'm doing that history project right now. I was going to do it earlier, but birthday celebrations and piano and stuff got in the way.

So, I've already had this tea before and I thought it was decent. But now, it does seem kind of bland or at least not very realistic. At first, you get the regular taste of black tea, followed by the berry taste, finishing off with the honey and caramel (mostly the honey). There isn't much bitterness, but it does leave a bit of a weird feeling in the mouth afterwards (not the dry feeling though). It's smooth, but the fruit/berry taste is a bit bland; it's not very sweet and reminds me somewhat of syrup (cough syrup maybe, but its not THAT artificial). The caramel and honey do give it a bit of a sweetness at the end, which I enjoyed. I couldn't try it with milk, but since the tea was a little bit weak, I'd suggest it without milk. However, I would suggest it with sweetener (especially honey!), since it would probably bring out the fruit flavor a bit more. Overall, it's a decent fruit flavored tea, but I've had much better.

Other notes:
Man, this was the best birthday I've had in a really long time. My friends made me a card and some shortbread (get it- because I'm short). Also, one of my friends got me a tea tray and a full chinese tea set which is amazing- I used it today while we ate my birthday dinner(?) and it is great. Just a note, but I gotta get her something back or make her some food soon since she really went above and beyond with this gift. I also got like $90, which was good.

Other than birthday stuff, I did get a bit of stuff done today. The history paragraphs are fully cited with a works cited and everything, so now I just need to edit those, format them (I want to make it look like a field report or something), and finish the map/board. I didn't get the boards done since I was busy, but I think I'll get that done tomorrow. I also signed up for volunteering (woo!) at the registration booth at California Extreme for both days, Saturday and Sunday. Even though it's in July, I am really looking forward to that since it gives me free admission and also since it's a volunteering job. Maybe I'll actually get stuff done this summer!

Next on the 100 Days of Tea: Grapefruit Green

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