Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Day 88: Kiwi

Brand: Lupicia
Type: Flavored Black
Brew Time & Temperature: 3 minutes, boiling
Leaf Appearance: Medium small, curled black leaves with rock sugar, dull green leaves
Color: Dark, golden orange; clear
Smell: Sweet, fruity (I guess it's kiwi but it's a little hard to tell), maybe some mint
Recommended with/as: As is, iced
Rating: 7/10

Tasting notes and thoughts:
Quick review today since I'm doing stuff (see other notes). Anyway, I guess this is a pretty average fruit flavored tea; it's actually pretty bland. Although its smooth and everything, it just lacks a lot in taste. When you drink it, you first taste the earthy, sort of brothy tea base. It's followed by a really weak and slightly sweet kiwi flavor; I think that if I didn't know this was kiwi tea I wouldn't be able to match it to the fruit. It ends right after that with little aftertaste, and actually is a little bit astringent/makes the throat feel a tiny bit dry. I've had much better fruit-flavored teas, honestly.

Other notes:
So, today I spent a ton of time studying for a math group test tomorrow (statistics/data analysis is fun, but god I hate probability so much) and while I write this review I'm practicing writing the in class essay for To Kill a Mockingbird tomorrow. Other than that, though, nothing much (my parents did come home though).

Oh, and apparently my family is going to Disneyland this weekend, but I can't come since there's not enough seats in the car + I have school and stuff (tests on monday and tuesday woo!). So, I get to spend this weekend alone in the house. Hooray...?

Next on the 100 Days of Tea: Yume

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