Saturday, April 11, 2015

Day 77: Tikuanyin

Brand: Lupicia
Type: Oolong
Brew Time & Temperature: Gaiwan method today
Leaf Appearance: Dark green & brown balled oolong; they're small, but a lot of the leaves are broken up
Color: Light golden-orange; clear
Smell: For some reason, this tea doesn't smell that strong (both loose leaf and brewed; it could just be me though); I did get some roasted/toasty notes however
Recommended with/as: As is
Rating: 8/10

Tasting notes and thoughts:
I actually had this tea a long time ago, when I was first getting into loose leaf. I think my dad got it because it was on sale, but since I didn't really like unflavored teas at the time, I didn't think much of it. Actually, I think I still have the bag of the loose leaf with the rest of my tea, but it's probably super old by now (which might be good or bad, I don't know).

Anyway, this is one of the more roastier tikuanyins I've had, and admittedly one of the less flavorful ones (in comparison to others I've had, like monkey-picked tieguanyin). Although it had a strong roasted taste, there were some tangy (maybe fruity?) notes, along with nuts and a very subtle sweetness. The tangy taste lingered on the tongue a while after drinking, which I liked a bit. It was very smooth too, leaving none of that dry taste in my mouth or my throat. However, I couldn't do that many brews today since I was preoccupied with math homework (and also time constraints), but I think it would yield a decent amount. To be honest, I prefer non-roasted, more green oolongs over these, but they vary so much in flavor that I think it isn't that fair to compare them to each other. However, this is a decent enough roasted oolong (and I'll try it again, since I do have the loose leaf still), but it doesn't really wow me.

Other notes:
Just worked on the board today, watched 12 Angry Men (which I enjoyed very much; if only Criterion DVDs weren't so expensive), and made a pot of Royal Milk Tea to put in the fridge before this review. I think the board is actually almost done now, so tomorrow I'm just going to write the paragraphs and start building the wooden case/frame for the map-board. Also, my birthday is in 2 days (hopefully no one can guess who I am from this), and I still have no idea what I really want. I know my friends are planning something since they're asking me (and they also kind of planned it in front of my face), so there's that. I think this is actually the first time in a really long time (the last time was in elementary school, probably) where people are doing stuff for me, other than just giving me the occasional small gift. Woo!

Next on the 100 Days of Tea: Rose Hip Tea

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