Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Day 80: Grapefruit Green

Brand: Lupicia
Type: Flavored Green
Brew Time & Temperature: 2 minutes, boiling (I just brewed the tea bag in a cup instead of a whole pot today)
Leaf Appearance: Small, grass like green tea leaves with large chunks of grapefruit
Color: Golden yellow/orange; clear
Smell: Citrusy, sweet
Recommended with/as: As is, iced
Rating: 8.5/10

Tasting notes and thoughts:
Man, I have had my fill of tea today. I got home, made a pot of chai, then had a pot of the marron chocolat tea, and now I'm having this before I go to bed. Anyway, after the last grapefruit tea, I'm so-so on this tea. For some reason, though, I did really like the smell of the both the brewed and unbrewed leaf. I hate eating the actual fruit, but I love the smell (it's probably the citrus smell). As for the actual taste, I was surprised at how balanced the tea base and the grapefruit were. Upon tasting, you're met with the mellow, grassy taste of the green tea, which then slowly (at first) changes into a tangy, citrus taste. It stays in your mouth long after drinking, and can become very sour if you drink a lot. It's smooth, and even though it's a green tea and can get very sour, it doesn't make your throat or mouth dry at all. Overall, I like it! If you don't like sour things I guess you shouldn't have this tea, but this was a pleasant experience, different than the other stuff I've had lately.

Other notes:
Note: I did this review AFTER Day 81's (Marron Chocolat), so take that into account when you read this. Oh hell yes, I have just finished my history project (11 PM). See Day 81 for what I think about the model. The writing, on the other hand, is pretty decent (I did write a lot and do a lot of research, but I think it could have been better). I'm mostly just hoping that the model will give me the points for the writing. I'm so glad that's done, and now tomorrow I have to do a bunch of studying + watch a movie with my friends for history class. Oh, also, today I did hang out with that girl that I talked about earlier for a while after school. We walked, got donuts, and talked while eating. Looking back, I think this was the first time since middle school that I've spent time with a girl alone for friendly stuff, instead of schoolwork. So, yeah, there's that.

Next on the 100 Days of Tea: Marron Chocolat

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