Friday, April 10, 2015

Day 76: Darjeeling the First Flush

Brand: Lupicia
Type: Black
Brew Time & Temperature: 2 minutes 30 seconds, 85-95° C
Leaf Appearance: Light drab green (and some white), medium-large leaves
Color: Dark yellow (I think it's jasmine yellow); clear
Smell: A little weak, but I'm getting some floral notes along with a little bit of roasted-ness
Recommended with/as: As is
Rating: 8.5/10

Tasting notes and thoughts:
I'm going to try today's review with only 1 cup of tea just because, and also because there's 10 minutes before midnight. Anyway, I was surprised at how green this darjeeling was; the cup turned out much lighter than I thought (I was expecting sort of an amber color instead of the yellowish color). The smell was a bit weak, but the taste was actually pretty strong. It's a bit fruity, with a strong roasted taste which I sort of noticed in the smell. There's a tiny bit of bitterness at the beginning, but it is masked by the citrusy taste. There isn't much astringency, and it's surprisingly smooth considering its taste (which I usually would expect to be at least a little drying). Overall, it's a pretty good darjeeling (of the few darjeelings I've had, this is one of the best), and I would actually buy more if I could. I think I actually used too cold of water (the heater was set to 60 degrees, since I made sencha this morning), but I'm not sure and I'm too lazy to check. I think it'll be stronger if you do use the recommended temperature, but it was good at the temperature and time I used.

Other notes:
Speech went okay (apparently some people liked it, but to be honest I'm not sure if they were just saying that or if they were sincere). I did get 36/35 on the last AP bio test on the endocrine/nervous system, which was pretty awesome. Other than that though, I hung out with friends for a while after school, got home, and slept until 11 (an hour ago).

Also, holy crap this will be posted 1 minute to midnight aaaahhh

Next on the 100 Days of Tea: Tikuanyin

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