Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Day 81: Marron Chocolat

Brand: Lupicia
Type: Flavored Black
Brew Time & Temperature: 3 minutes, boiling
Leaf Appearance: A mix of curled black tea leaves and CTC tea; there are chunks of hazelnut too
Color: Dark copper/brown; clear
Smell: Like hot cocoa, sweet and a bit roasted
Recommended with/as: As is, milk, sweetener
Rating: 8/10

Tasting notes and thoughts:
Well, today I'm doing 2 reviews since I missed yesterday's, so this one might be a bit short. Anyway, this tea, compared to Lupicia's other chocolate flavored tea (Au Chocolat), is a much more darker chocolate flavor. There's a slight bitterness, which in my opinion goes well with the chocolate flavor; I'd say it's similar to, maybe, dutch cacao powder? The hazelnut does add the roasted taste to the tea, along with a very subtle nuttiness- however, it's nothing like nutella (the only thing that comes to my mind when you bring up chocolate and hazelnuts, other than Ferrero Rochers) as it isn't very sweet. The tea base also adds to the dark flavor of the chocolate, which I liked. Overall, it's a good chocolate flavored tea- try it with milk and sweetener! I'm kind of split between this and Au Chocolat, however. They're both equally good; I'd say Au Chocolat is more of a sweeter chocolate tea and mixes better with other tea, but this tea is fine on its own and more complex.

Other notes:
Woohoo! The project (the model, at least) is officially done. At the time of this post, I'm editing the paragraphs and hopefully that will be done later tonight. I'd say the model is good, but I could have added more to the map and cut it better (the way it's cut makes it a bit jagged, and not fit well in the box. The box isn't even also, and there are some gaps). I'm happy though since I'm finally done with that crap- now I just have to study for the AP Bio final and the English in-class essay!

Next on the 100 Days of Tea: Benico

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