Thursday, April 16, 2015

Day 82: Benico

Brand: Lupicia
Type: Flavored Black
Brew Time & Temperature: 3 minutes, boiling
Leaf Appearance: Small, relatively thick black tea leaves with chunks of berries (strawberry?)
Color: Golden orange; clear
Smell: Candied berries, floral, sweet
Recommended with/as: As is
Rating: 7/10

Tasting notes and thoughts:
The smell of this tea is actually really nice. I can't really think of a specific thing it smells like other than febreeze; it does smell like berries and is sweet, but not too overbearing (it's not too artificial, either). Also, it tastes somewhat like it smells, which I thought was good since I liked the smell. You can definitely taste the berry, but it isn't very sweet. Rather, it is a tiny bit bitter and has some of the tomato taste of Rose Hip Tea. However, it's not as tomato-y (?) or tangy. It's smooth, with little astringency, but to be honest, it's a bit of a bland tea. After the berry taste at the beginning, the taste kind of dissipates into a weak tang. Overall, it's eh.

Other notes:
Well, I turned in my project online today and I got a 4% similarity rating, which was nice. I know I don't plagiarize, but every time I have to use a plagiarism checker I feel like I did- I don't know why. Other than that, though, this day was pretty uneventful other than a doctor's appointment, movie night for my history class, and more studying. I have to bring the huge model/board in tomorrow, so that'll be fun, and also there's going to be a final on To Kill a Mockingbird. Fun.

Next on the 100 Days of Tea: Sencha 'Tosa'

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